Message from @BrandonChimaria (。◕‿◕。✿)

Discord ID: 628123028651376660

2019-09-30 06:42:39 UTC  

The champagne socialists do, the useful idiots long for death but lack the willpower to kill themselves

2019-09-30 06:42:40 UTC  

They don’t want socialism as we think of it. They want feudalistic social order where they are the ones on top while the masses live in abject poverty and destitution.

2019-09-30 06:43:17 UTC  

They probably want to make 40k a reality.

2019-09-30 06:43:29 UTC  

Except worse because they’re cucks.

2019-09-30 06:43:30 UTC  

Well...Democratic socialist convention.
Guy in the middle, Iron Front antifa shirt.

Also they say comrade, and it's soviet.

2019-09-30 06:44:03 UTC  

>it's *democratic* socialism guys
>it's not even *real* communism
<:thunk:462282216467333140> <:thunk:462282216467333140> <:thunk:462282216467333140>

2019-09-30 06:44:03 UTC  

The real russian meddlers.

2019-09-30 06:44:50 UTC  

The "socialist" unironically see the migrants as a dirty work underclass

2019-09-30 06:44:55 UTC  

The House UnAmerican Activities Commission did nothing wrong

2019-09-30 06:45:29 UTC  

Woodrow Wilson did nothing wrong.

2019-09-30 06:45:31 UTC  

The filthy proles, the slaves of Rome, - uneducated, not speaking the language, forever doomed for menial shit jobs for pennies

2019-09-30 06:46:28 UTC  

When your taco-dispensing sex maid robot's on the fritz *but her daughter looking kinda thicc*

2019-09-30 06:46:28 UTC  

Except infinitely worse for what these socialists want is for us to live in cuck pods and to be nothing more than expendable things.

2019-09-30 06:46:58 UTC  


2019-09-30 06:50:49 UTC  

I want for the necrons to come and just wipe out humanity sometimes.

2019-09-30 06:55:58 UTC  

That direction was obvious

2019-09-30 06:56:04 UTC  

Climate change dicktatorship

2019-09-30 06:56:29 UTC  

If you didn't see the climate extinction group as a trojan for authoritarian socialism then congratulations, you're retarded

2019-09-30 06:56:30 UTC  

Used to be Emperors and Monarchs
Now it's Environmentorors

2019-09-30 06:57:10 UTC  

>> china of all the places

2019-09-30 06:58:04 UTC  

Niggers sip on living panda's liver fluids till it dies and they have the fucking gall to talk environmentalism

2019-09-30 06:58:35 UTC  

Yes, that environmental china that has protected all of its tigers...

2019-09-30 06:58:39 UTC  

...for soup

2019-09-30 06:59:07 UTC  

it is all smoke and mirrors and has been going on for as long as i have lived, energy from do gooders around the world is channeled and used to push agendas , but really its all just a sham, just another shiny object to wave in front of peoples faces, we have really gone beyond clownworld now, the people that are locked into that specific shaped box don't want to come out , it's matrix screenplay continuing over and over and over and over

2019-09-30 06:59:14 UTC  

Chineesium breed of locust

2019-09-30 06:59:21 UTC  

The most disgusting kind

2019-09-30 07:00:02 UTC  

Nah, it's a cover

2019-09-30 07:01:35 UTC  

I suspect it's a cover for the inevitable death of capitalism in it's current form

2019-09-30 07:01:42 UTC  

Socialism/communism will never happen
But it won't stop the lowest scum of the earth from using it to try and install the authoritarian regime

2019-09-30 07:02:30 UTC  

It's the whole point

2019-09-30 07:03:01 UTC  

@Eccles I’m surprised at the number of people who still buy into climate change alarmism.

2019-09-30 07:03:19 UTC  

Plenty of genuine reasons to buy into climate change alarmism

2019-09-30 07:03:21 UTC  

Especially younger people.

2019-09-30 07:03:34 UTC  

But not in the way and to the extent, and for the purposes given

2019-09-30 07:03:34 UTC  

but muh experts

2019-09-30 07:03:57 UTC  

The only thing you should buy into is the idea the climate is changing.

2019-09-30 07:04:12 UTC  

Whether it’s good or bad something we cannot predict.

2019-09-30 07:04:15 UTC  

But muhhhwomen!