Message from @2K
Discord ID: 599264258815164436
Skjopians are like the spiritual continuation of the balkans
They wuz like we wuz like, like, shiett
To be fair... greece raped italy in ww2
Skopians and thracians always like we wuz the REAL caliphate
Prob not as bad as the romanian identity crisis tho
I hate rome tbh
Mud huts are great
olive nigger is an oxymoron though
I love my anarcho monarchist holy roman empire
Fun fact
The cryptocurrency known as "Monero" is totally unregulatable
You can't reap the produce from an olive tree you plant, since it takes so long for it to grow.
olive nigger is wut americans called greek immigrants
If ethiopians can be considered caucasian, olive niggers can be considered negros
And impossible for even govt agencies to track down
i just like it cause it gives me the nigger card
how could niggers possible do something they get no immediate reward for?
Are we really debating this
Also, Trump is most likely just going after crypro to take a shot at FB
Too bad. Greeks are definitely not white, but you don't get the PoC card.
Fuck slavcucks
East slavs*
tfw anti d&c
Anything west of the dneipr is poopoopeepee
Crypto can be good but when it’s completely unregulated it turns into a commodity with no actual value behind it
As you saw with bitcoin
It was only worth something because people believed it was
Nordcucks just have boats and rotten fish
it's still like 11k tho