Message from @Danacrag
Discord ID: 599656370803048449
or whatever those dresses are
your skin turns white and you start studying and integrating in society
krise should be arrested ngl
stfu dana
its some of the worst shit
brace for nyan
why mem, youve betrayed me
🅱 🇷 🇦 🇨 🇪
Quick mods are asleep post anime
gas the dentists, brace war now
@Ferris Portuguese is so overrated
Unless you are calling them a nigger. That is a-okay.
@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck preach
she is Darjeeling from girls und panzer in a bunny suit. youll find it easily if you google something like that @Polekov
oi time
your language
is shit
fuck you
Аrtiсlе 1З
you are still blocked btw tim
See? Nothing happened.
article 13** **
see, something happened
article** **13
the time of barns WILL come once more
There will eventually be the day where we will miss Hitler
>implying Hitler isn't a vampire who escaped the bunker
<:TimeToBarn:590594455657119812> <:pepegun:588019479401726001> <:pepesurrender:588020553873358858>
Mistress Hitler