Message from @Eccles
Discord ID: 600076849883643905
Best keep an eye on PureEvilPie and Jack for signs of further radicalisation
just go shit in the ocean tbh
Tbh idk why the Indians don't
i am totally not a kommunist or other kind of radical
Why wouldn't you? I thought big cities just had shit in streets
jack did nuffin wronk
occassionally there might be dog shit
hitler dindu nuffin smdh
but people usually clean up after their dogs
horses dont spend much time in most cities
and people use public bathrooms
the fuck copy past dementor thing is that lol
yeah no one shits in the street in the uk
@n meowzers bro you just posted cringe
that's so cringe bro
dogs shit in the street in the uk
i mean a little
We have public bathrooms, but not that many and people usually don't bother
but like
what do they wipe
or do they just live with shit everywhere
thats a good way to get diseases
and die
just something about foreigners that they shit everywhere and make a mess
even primitives know how to wipe
must be cultural
@n meowzers you keep saying that, but I'm pretty sure you are tbh
@Lucienne d'Anwyl tell that to the Indians
It's not a common thing that everyone does, but it's common enough to be there more often than not
are people not raised to not shit in the street
I went to one of the top schools in my country and learned all about your hoity toity societies there, but to be honest I got lucky and most don't even care
poo in the loo you fucking goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooook