Message from @Vir

Discord ID: 600534107235024927

2019-07-16 03:45:49 UTC  

Saying "people fuck it up," is literally implying that socialism itself is a sound theory. That people, being unpredictable, is the issue.

2019-07-16 03:45:53 UTC  

physics professors don't 'build' anything

2019-07-16 03:46:01 UTC  

That's "it works in theory."

2019-07-16 03:46:06 UTC  

they confere with an engineer

2019-07-16 03:46:12 UTC  

he builds it

2019-07-16 03:46:31 UTC  

> Implying physicists don't work on engineering teams.

2019-07-16 03:46:44 UTC  

not as tech leads they don't

2019-07-16 03:46:50 UTC  

No, but they are present.

2019-07-16 03:46:57 UTC  

so are garbage men

2019-07-16 03:47:08 UTC  

@Arthur Grayborn like the dick in her ass

2019-07-16 03:47:08 UTC  

@randomNPCno3 National Socialism worked, millions of jobs created, people really happy and proud of their nation, literally could afford to send their workers on holidays to other European nations. Had national days off occasionally to go tree planting and picnicking.
Better than the clown world we now live in by a long shot.

2019-07-16 03:47:12 UTC  


2019-07-16 03:47:16 UTC  

Specialized knowledge and depth of coverage that engineers don't get in the physics discipline. That depth tends to be of value whenever you're building a large team.

2019-07-16 03:47:17 UTC  

@Reprehensibletrash I was pointing out the difference between theoretical and practical. Socialism does work on a theoretical level if you ignore the variance of human thought, this is why the only people who think it works are the ones who have never had to live the the real world

2019-07-16 03:47:36 UTC  

@randomNPCno3 - Bingo!

2019-07-16 03:47:46 UTC  

oh you always need as many people with detailed knowledge as you can find

2019-07-16 03:47:53 UTC  

@randomNPCno3 this is precisely why I called you a retard. You said it again, "it works in theory."

2019-07-16 03:47:56 UTC  


2019-07-16 03:47:59 UTC  

Nice meme

2019-07-16 03:48:01 UTC  

@Ϻ14ᛟ Im not disagreing but I find it funny how you can always tell if someones power level is that high by the name and pfp

2019-07-16 03:48:08 UTC  

always has a rune or some shit

2019-07-16 03:48:08 UTC  

Fucking boomer

2019-07-16 03:48:12 UTC  

the point is the engineer finds a solution when they are given a problem

2019-07-16 03:48:25 UTC  

the physist doesn't solve problems

2019-07-16 03:48:54 UTC  

Jokes on you I conceal my power level

2019-07-16 03:48:54 UTC  

at least not problems that he hasn't thought of himself

2019-07-16 03:48:54 UTC  

I think

2019-07-16 03:48:56 UTC  

@Reprehensibletrash ignoring that I was saying why it works in their theory, they ignore crucial data that would make it fail. I never said it works, I'm explaining why the idiots think it does

2019-07-16 03:49:00 UTC  

@randomNPCno3 - People can't seem to accept what I'm saying: Just because something is theoretically possible or sound, that does not in any sense of the word mean we should try it in real life.

2019-07-16 03:49:03 UTC  

@Ϻ14ᛟ tbh there was very little socialism in use, which is mostly why it was so successful

2019-07-16 03:49:09 UTC  

his test of 'correct' or not is rarely reality

2019-07-16 03:49:52 UTC  

@Reprehensibletrash It was just pre-Marxist socialism ideas when it came to the aspects that were socialist. Hitler even had a quote about Marxists stealing the meaning of the word Socialist

2019-07-16 03:49:57 UTC  

it's why academics are first to go off the rails with crazy ideas that don't work

2019-07-16 03:50:02 UTC  

@randomNPCno3 and you lose absolutely all sense to anyone who isn't a socialist, when you say this. If you wanna walk around with your head up your ass, please do

2019-07-16 03:50:12 UTC  

Implementing socialism is like throwing someone with a PhD in Physics into an NFL game and expecting that he won't get slammed on his ass by a three hundred pound black guy who can barely read.

Sure, he understands the physics, but it's the implementation that matters.

2019-07-16 03:50:23 UTC  

We'll call it the new socialist theory @randomNPCno3

2019-07-16 03:50:30 UTC  

cause only other acdemics tell them if they are wrong or not; its hard to do that if you circuit or bridge just doesn't work

2019-07-16 03:50:54 UTC  

@Ϻ14ᛟ yes, I have Elon musk mentioning it, on my phone

2019-07-16 03:51:10 UTC  

He had a rather odd tweet about his socialism

2019-07-16 03:51:19 UTC  

and if he is wrong, he can always blame those collecting the field data for not telling him everything

2019-07-16 03:52:01 UTC  

@ManAnimal - People get obsessed with how the world "should" be, and let perfect become the enemy of good. When people say that socialism is superior to capitalism, they're exactly right.

That does not mean we should attempt it, under any circumstance, because the consequences for failure are far too great and we don't currently have a governance system anywhere on Earth that could handle such a system without total chaos erupting.