Message from @PureEvilPie
Discord ID: 600609796013555722
Do you think he lied and he actually does like people who get captured?
trump actually has the idiot savant perk
The dude who thought there were airports in the American revolution?
Being retarded doesn'T mean you can't be honest
with all stats put on LUK
thats why i love him
He lied about airports in the American revolution lmao
For a politician/big businessman, honesty is a negative trait, besides. That's why his speechcraft can't be 100, else he'd be able to keep his blurbs to himself
do you think he lied or misspoke
It was a lie regardless
his Boomer passive trait prevents him from maxing speech
what would there be to gain from trying to convince people there were airports during the revolutionary war
Clearly it's high up there otherwise he wouldn'T be able to amass such fortune.
...or else he put everything into barter after selling people their own inventory.
how was it a lie
He’s just an idiot as well as a liar
Cause there were no airports
Ergo saying there were is a lie
saying something that is incorrect = lie?
Lie implies you know what you are saying is not true
usually lie implies that you're saying something you don't believe
If Trump honestly thought that, then he wasn't lying, however retarded it was
The statement is still a lien
No, the statement is incorrect.
not by the definition most people use
It’s not honesty
orange cheeto man : sky is blue
all of the media : AcTualLy iTs CyAn
He also said democrats now execute babies after birth
you can be honest and be wrong my guy
Which was a why
and you can also misspeak
He’s just a compulsive liar
Yes, he's a politician.
It’s nice to know that you’ve backtracked and now agree with me
After stating he was honest
But once in a while he doesn't lie because something he actually thinks at the moment slips past his speechcraft filter and that's how you get closing doors to prevent aerosols from his hairspray to eat up the ozone layer <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>
Yes, he is honest