Message from @Diffused Solvent
Discord ID: 600639998915772427
Its starting to make sense why SK is so corrupt
remember when the prime minster was a member of a feminist cult
feminist south korean incels
mfw: <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>
k pop was secretly a plan to feminize the world
spirit cooked by jamie oliver, hilary clinton special guest and nigella bnites
Screw that, I Postmates fat shack. They come to the door, fuck going out to the street
femcel nekomimis and stacy anthros
Its fucking cursed that the millennium falcon and the rebel blockade runner where originally the same ship
If Trump wanted he could have Ohmar on a noose by now for treason. I can guarantee you she's the most likely person to be wire tapped.
most of the ships in the og star wars were kitbashed together from various model kits
@Telly_G 『⚡130』PC |you saw tge work they did for tge Mandalorian ship for tge upcoming tv show
Its fantastic
boba is a shit character
is the mandalorian brienne of tarth>
Boba isn't meant to be a character
boba makes me think of @BabaBooey
ROTJ might have been a very enjoyable film but it fucks so much up
No you morons
i have summoned the devil
Tge new Mandalorian is played by the dude that played Oberyn Martell
Kylo Ren looked cooler when he was skinny
smh mandalore should be filled with blacks
bunch of blacks with huge noses
The Cantina and Jabbas palace are the most diverse places in the films and are full of criminals
Now that’s getting my noggin a jogging
I think im gonna puke
get replaced whitey
the future is mixed
Mandalorians are the civic nationalists of Star Wars
Yeah Idk about that
they're a bit of a tribal meritocracy in the sense that the strongest get to lead