Message from @Polekov

Discord ID: 601332413565632542

2019-07-18 08:38:52 UTC  

Tindr is telling me to not ghost. <:FuzzyPeach:583773935385182231>

2019-07-18 08:38:58 UTC  

Inb4 that makes me commie

2019-07-18 08:39:00 UTC  

Yes lets punish people for being rich

2019-07-18 08:39:05 UTC  

COMMIE @JackH670

2019-07-18 08:39:05 UTC  


2019-07-18 08:39:07 UTC  

In nz radio they ssaid he was telling non whites to leave

2019-07-18 08:39:19 UTC  

@Mikey shouldn't u be on Grindr

2019-07-18 08:39:20 UTC  

Complete twist

2019-07-18 08:39:20 UTC  

Don't think it's punishment, more closing loopholes

2019-07-18 08:39:33 UTC  

Eh i mean maybe

2019-07-18 08:39:34 UTC  

That'd be bc nz radio is ran by commies

2019-07-18 08:39:36 UTC  

Tindr doesn't have sex desperate tards

2019-07-18 08:39:41 UTC  

Hopefully ppl notice its another barefaced lie

2019-07-18 08:39:48 UTC  

Instead of taxing the rich more

2019-07-18 08:39:50 UTC  

you got lucky/worked hard, now give 3/4 of it away or go to jail

2019-07-18 08:39:52 UTC  

We tax the poor less

2019-07-18 08:39:58 UTC  

or you know, register soemwhere else for tax

2019-07-18 08:40:00 UTC  

You know taxing the rich doesn't work.... The rich will just leave. Then you have no rich to tax.

2019-07-18 08:40:03 UTC  

idk, its a pretty damn good image

2019-07-18 08:40:06 UTC  

What does tindr have then?

2019-07-18 08:40:19 UTC

2019-07-18 08:40:22 UTC

2019-07-18 08:40:34 UTC  

She has said way funnier

2019-07-18 08:40:36 UTC  

Illhan omar is actually anti senitic

2019-07-18 08:40:43 UTC  


2019-07-18 08:40:44 UTC  

i mean

2019-07-18 08:40:46 UTC  

Change my min

2019-07-18 08:40:46 UTC  

its right there

2019-07-18 08:40:51 UTC  

Like she said there is a jewish homosexual conspiracy or some shit

2019-07-18 08:40:58 UTC  

She also lowkey supports al qaeda

2019-07-18 08:41:05 UTC  

Always blame da jooz

2019-07-18 08:41:06 UTC  

Cuz whenever someone asks her about it

2019-07-18 08:41:09 UTC  


2019-07-18 08:41:11 UTC  

Some people did something happer easter from isssslaaaam

2019-07-18 08:41:16 UTC  

She spergs out

2019-07-18 08:41:21 UTC  

remember bois

2019-07-18 08:41:26 UTC  

the jews are controlling the world

2019-07-18 08:41:26 UTC  

911 some people did some things

2019-07-18 08:41:29 UTC  


2019-07-18 08:41:36 UTC  

Ilhan Omar is a retard lmao

2019-07-18 08:41:36 UTC