Message from @Cpt. Ovidiu
Discord ID: 602959248313548808
Du meinst 'mann' nicht 'du'
Wish that distinction existed in english
I wanted to become an apprentice of a jeweller a few years ago
The price of that apprenticeship was a bit too steep though
typically it is the difference between communicating a 'barb/attack' or stating a simple fact
"when one does....' vs 'when YOU do..."
@Uksio 3rd Reich more like 3rd Kike amirite lads the holohoax didnt happen rmember
one comes off like an accusation
the other doesn't
the kike stones are like the infinity stones except they only kill white people
That would be the 4th Reich though
And the name of it EU
we already live in the 4th Reich
the 5th Reich we will get it right
lol, i like that
Feminism started with, "I am woman, i am strong" then it became, "I am woman, I've been wronged!"
>reality : I am a woman, I'm wrong
ovidiu are you romanian
Romanian women are...
a hand-ful
I mean, good looking
but most of them npcs
at least ACTUAL women
if you cross a romanian woman she'll chop you in half with her falx
most women PERIOD are NPCs
that's just the nature of the beast
Women conform, men rebel
more dumbells and nobels with men
sometimes ya need a dumbell. sometimes a nobel
I mean... When I see a non-NPC women, it's really ... like something to respect
i think that is like 'blonde hair' or anything significantly different always has been
but usually, they are the one that don't request 'my respect'
it's like the superman effect
This is why people cringe at them beta-males
They are behaving like conformist women
one reason perhaps