Message from @wacka

Discord ID: 606877906291130381

2019-08-02 15:55:05 UTC  

Seriously stop coping so hard

2019-08-02 15:55:10 UTC  


2019-08-02 15:55:11 UTC  

Tfw a leaf unironically thinks Canada is better lmaoooo

2019-08-02 15:55:13 UTC  

My political party in Aus went to shit too

2019-08-02 15:55:15 UTC  

Get the rake

2019-08-02 15:55:18 UTC  

The graph has all the answers

2019-08-02 15:55:22 UTC  


2019-08-02 15:55:28 UTC  

You must wait on the graph to continue

2019-08-02 15:55:30 UTC  

Yeah here's the answer, UKIP dead

2019-08-02 15:55:35 UTC  

I always thought sargon would have been better in the libdems .. thewhole point of joining ukip was to "change them from the inside" ... it would have been far easy with libdems because at least the media would have mistreated him in a different way

2019-08-02 15:55:35 UTC  

Vote 1 united Australia party

2019-08-02 15:55:37 UTC  


2019-08-02 15:55:42 UTC  

Trust in the graph

2019-08-02 15:55:44 UTC  


2019-08-02 15:55:47 UTC  

The graph knows all

2019-08-02 15:55:57 UTC  

Tfw ukip bounce with sargon never happened

2019-08-02 15:56:04 UTC

2019-08-02 15:56:04 UTC  


2019-08-02 15:56:06 UTC  

"It's a soft coup guys! Lol just kidding seriously though it is jk tho for real we trying"

2019-08-02 15:56:08 UTC  

and at least he could always argue he was a liberal democrat.. even tho the policies arent 😛

2019-08-02 15:56:21 UTC  

Not even american

2019-08-02 15:56:23 UTC  

Nice attempt

2019-08-02 15:56:26 UTC  

Tfw Jack thinks such low-tier bait is effective against me

2019-08-02 15:56:34 UTC  

It's not bait

2019-08-02 15:56:34 UTC  


2019-08-02 15:56:36 UTC  

It's fact

2019-08-02 15:56:40 UTC  

what are you, a bong?

2019-08-02 15:56:43 UTC  


2019-08-02 15:56:54 UTC  

And then Sargon fucked up the press campaign and ukip died lmao

2019-08-02 15:56:57 UTC  

Either way, you guys are fat retards

2019-08-02 15:57:00 UTC  

A bong? Uncultured swine...

2019-08-02 15:57:07 UTC  

A hookah now... that's class

2019-08-02 15:57:10 UTC  

@Some Fucking Leaf says *the leaf*

2019-08-02 15:57:11 UTC  

imagine being canadian

2019-08-02 15:57:12 UTC  

Did he cause the collapse? No. Did he contribute to it? Yes

2019-08-02 15:57:21 UTC  

Hell yes

2019-08-02 15:57:33 UTC  

He shouldn't get involved in running at all

2019-08-02 15:57:36 UTC  

Australia is the only former british colony that isn't a shit hole. and that includes britain

2019-08-02 15:57:37 UTC  

ye shouting "giant bitch" probably put most people off

2019-08-02 15:57:39 UTC  

@Coolitic my country is shit, I hate my country, but we aren't as fucked as bongland