Message from @NinjaQuick

Discord ID: 607353370696744960

2019-08-03 23:22:44 UTC  

That's why universities are so broken

2019-08-03 23:23:24 UTC  

The government pays for everything, so the universities have bloated their administrative staff by several hundred percent and dramatically boosted their salaries

2019-08-03 23:23:46 UTC  

I'm okay with them defaulting if they lose their degrees

2019-08-03 23:23:47 UTC  

they also waste money on buildings and programs that are worthless lol

2019-08-03 23:24:03 UTC  

just force universities to have a price below x

2019-08-03 23:24:07 UTC  

Yeah because it lets them get more funding imao

2019-08-03 23:24:07 UTC  

or else they wont get any loans

2019-08-03 23:24:10 UTC  

or other public funding

2019-08-03 23:24:26 UTC  

The moral question of weather it is OK to clear their debts is largely insignificant in the face of the overarching problems here

2019-08-03 23:24:39 UTC  


2019-08-03 23:24:40 UTC  

you are focusing on remarkably unimportant detail

2019-08-03 23:24:40 UTC  

first thing

2019-08-03 23:24:42 UTC  

would just be

2019-08-03 23:24:44 UTC  

to get public funding

2019-08-03 23:24:45 UTC  


2019-08-03 23:24:48 UTC  

of private universities

2019-08-03 23:24:58 UTC  

Yeah but the whole "let's hire a dozen people for a total of $3 million a year and run a department whose job involves nothing besides demonizing white people" thing has spread pretty far and wide

2019-08-03 23:25:03 UTC  

You can change it for the future without paying off everyone else

2019-08-03 23:25:17 UTC  

yes, but universities are seen by gov as a power asset in their great geopolitical game

2019-08-03 23:25:26 UTC  

defunding them is not an easy decision because of that

2019-08-03 23:25:27 UTC  


2019-08-03 23:25:33 UTC  

vice president of diversity, equity, and inclusion

2019-08-03 23:25:37 UTC  

The Gov should ban public funding to unis that teach soc jus

2019-08-03 23:25:46 UTC  

The Unis themselves would ban soc jus overnight imao

2019-08-03 23:26:15 UTC  

Unis should be fined 1MM for each crime committed by alumni

2019-08-03 23:26:46 UTC  

I say we close unis and burn the books tbh. An-Prim utopia nao!

2019-08-03 23:26:49 UTC  

No, George Soros would just start funding universities instead of DA and state AG races

2019-08-03 23:27:20 UTC  

and protests

2019-08-03 23:27:31 UTC  

Some but not all

2019-08-03 23:27:32 UTC  


2019-08-03 23:27:40 UTC  

then his money would cause less trouble

2019-08-03 23:27:46 UTC  

The protests can be ignored

2019-08-03 23:27:57 UTC  

The issue with higher ed is that it's not strictly an internal policy issue. It's also a foreign policy issue, so treating it just like any other sector of the economy is shortsighted. At least arguably.

2019-08-03 23:28:00 UTC  

Who cares

2019-08-03 23:28:03 UTC  

It's China.

2019-08-03 23:28:09 UTC  

Soros is very rich but idk if hes rich enough to fund unis to the degree the gov does year in and year out

2019-08-03 23:28:10 UTC  

Let them deal with their own.

2019-08-03 23:28:21 UTC  

Fucking globalist beta cucks

2019-08-03 23:28:46 UTC  

I bet u'd kill for a dicking from daddy Soros, Ninja

2019-08-03 23:28:47 UTC  

That's why I disagree with luci on setting a price celling