Message from @livid_scrooge
Discord ID: 608139403503599626
What is that hashtag supposed to mean?
_turns @livid_scrooge into applesauce._
*turns @Goodwood of Dank™ into a jew*
K I've got the ball rolling on my design idea.
See if I make money.
All in all, I'd say you got the worst of it.
applejack's sweet tangy apple cider is actually her gamer girl pee
How long can you guys plank?
We're gonna do stickers, shirts, and maybe patches.
I sometimes sleep on bear concrete, so for hours...
@Timeward Could you possibly make that any tinier?
also: third language
You plank for hours?
brazil is having a pixel shortage guys, please understand
Fix your dysfunctional language tbh
Seems legit
Frank was extremely based tackling hard hitting questions.
if sleeping on concrete counts
I'd suck a dick for 10k
Why would sleeping on concete count
@NinjaQuick 9k
@Timeward tails has always been theorized to be a canadian due to his generally cheerful and slightly naive nature
I'd undercut you
idk, I'm pretty flat lying o it
isn;t that planking?
@NinjaQuick 7500
It's yours