Message from @Tee CA
Discord ID: 287820624649519104
We shouldn't allow civil unions
Stick man is the legend
Natsocs that aren't religious(Christian) are a strange species
Based Stickman
Stick man is my idol
ST1 also wants @elandybarr - WA
That's decent gear he has too
We should take notes
I want that shield
Anti chemical spray goggles
But some ply wood and make one
Gas mask
let he who is without sin cast the first stick
ayy kids wanna learn some memeic magic ?
We need to ban hate speech
Sticks and shields are great for crowd control
Is tear gas illegal?
can i post some links brehs
So are rifles
Bullets work best for sending niggers to hell
tear gas is something im sure you can buy with a licence but you could mix up bleach and amonia for free
Anticom is a counter protest group of peace
we are a group of peec
>group of peace
right so fists
>/pol/ creates mustard gas and starts chemical warfare
No, sticks
Reactionary brahs
The natural progression
Rebar is the highest form of stick
Metal stick
>becoming terrorists