Message from @N Word

Discord ID: 606067371517411339

2019-07-30 19:30:16 UTC  

I'm surprised that in this cruel world.. That they wouldn't expect to just be gunned down at the border when they try to claim Asylum. Oh Wait that is because they aren't all trying to flee to China or some other Third World nation of Tyranny. They are running to one of the last Bastions of non-Orwellian statehood.. Atlest while Trump is still alive. 🤡

2019-07-30 20:48:15 UTC  

Economic migrants have never bode well for either country involved.

Imagine if England suddenly became defunct. If everyone suddenly fucked off from there the country would cease to function and neighboring countries would start to get overburdened…

Why do people not understand the limitation on resources yet for some reason are avid environmentalists

2019-07-30 20:48:44 UTC  

Like seriously, same concept, there’s a limited amount of planet, so you sit on your share and we’ll sit on ours

2019-07-30 23:16:55 UTC  

Because western white men need to stop destroying the planet environmentally. Yet expend all their resources helping and caring for third world migrants.

2019-07-30 23:21:05 UTC  

This seems to be the employed logic, indicating that White Man's Burden is the way of the world.

2019-07-31 07:02:53 UTC  

The white man is going the way of the Jews

2019-07-31 07:03:09 UTC  

I'm not being alarmist, the trend indicates this

2019-07-31 09:35:08 UTC  

@Holo You can cap the economic migrants but the EU wont allow it. Which is the reason why this is very difficult for other countries outside Europe to understand because they have to pay a VISA to be in certain European countries to work. They are not trapped in the bubble.

2019-07-31 09:44:44 UTC  

@ETBrooD Are you trying to say White Men subvert nations?

2019-07-31 10:03:55 UTC  

No I'm saying whites will soon be persecuted the same way the Jews used to be persecuted

2019-07-31 10:04:48 UTC  

It will happen, because whites are already a world minority, and even in some countries they'll become a minority where they used to be the majority.

2019-07-31 10:05:26 UTC  

South Africa is the first case of this happening, and just like with the Jews in the Third Reich, the mainstream media isn't reporting on it.

2019-07-31 10:06:11 UTC  

It will eventually happen in western countries. It's inevitable, because the narrative against whites is extremely similar to the one against the Jews.

2019-07-31 10:06:56 UTC  

Whites are becoming the minority through mass migration, and only few countries like Poland are pushing back.

2019-07-31 10:07:36 UTC  

The religion that's being imported along with migration is Islam, which is a fascist ideology, very similar to that of Hitler.

2019-07-31 10:08:14 UTC  

Whites are predominantly Christian or atheist, which makes them the biggest enemies of Islam.

2019-07-31 10:10:33 UTC  

What can be done about this? I'm not sure. So far I've been participating in the information war, and I'll stick to that for now. Personally I don't see a better strategy for plebs like me. It is working, I just don't know if it's working fast enough. We'll see.

2019-07-31 10:11:23 UTC  
2019-07-31 10:13:15 UTC  

If it were my people facing this I'd want a race war to free this. But i won't be effected much, all i have to hope for is that shit skin muslims don't ruin another Place where black christians like me could live freely

2019-07-31 10:14:30 UTC  

They will be coming for you after whites are finished, so you should care

2019-07-31 10:15:21 UTC  

But it's impossible to convince other people like me to side with you. Even though realistically we have the same enemy

2019-07-31 10:15:37 UTC  

It's not impossible, just very slow

2019-07-31 10:15:56 UTC  

It's also very slow with whites, but if you look at the trend, people are waking up, both whites and blacks

2019-07-31 10:16:30 UTC  

Most African Americans stopped Reading after Education became an commodity they're more or less guranteed to have

2019-07-31 10:16:58 UTC  

Although we faced racial discrimination, African Americans tried so much harder in school because we knew it was the only chance we'd have

2019-07-31 10:17:30 UTC  

With the destruction of the family unit and Shit schools to "Substitute" the education poverty stricken people need. By enlarge we dont care

2019-07-31 10:18:23 UTC  

And now we don't even know most of history has been a beneficial transaction with the west. Though the evils of colonialism has left africa violated it didn't completely destroy what was there and replace it with sonething worse

2019-07-31 10:19:01 UTC  

Now their are millions of African Americans from prisons to my own family converting to Islam because it was "Our religion before the evil white man forced us to be christian"

2019-07-31 10:19:54 UTC  

And It disgusts me, African Supremecists claim to know so much about their history and culture yet don't even look at most of it.

Because "You can't trust the white mans word"

2019-07-31 10:21:03 UTC  

I've never felt so much disappointment when I read about how much promise the African American community had during the 1930s -1980s.

Watching your community collaspe around you isn't fun

2019-07-31 10:21:26 UTC  

So i can understand you

2019-07-31 10:23:45 UTC  

Yeah racism will never end, I've figured that much out. White, black, yellow, every group will be racist

2019-07-31 10:24:13 UTC  

The only question is, in which way are people brainwashed

2019-07-31 10:25:28 UTC  

Here's the deal

2019-07-31 10:28:03 UTC  

The current narrative, as you correctly point out, is that white men are evil and oppress other ethnic minorites, and rising up against whites is thus a moral good. Individuals be damned.
This is a collectivist narrative and it's an extension of class warfare. Where Marx says that the Bourgeoisie are the enemy of the poor, this new narrative adds a racial layer on top of it (same as Hitler's anti-Jew narrative).

2019-07-31 10:29:03 UTC  

However, since whites are the majority, what must first happen to end this oppression from evil white men is to reduce the white populace to a minority. This will be done in the name of diversity and inclusion. Subversion rather than conquest.

2019-07-31 10:29:39 UTC  

Open borders are therefore now considered good

2019-07-31 10:30:01 UTC  

The narrative used to be the opposite, every president before Trump has spoken up against open borders, and in favor of border security.

2019-07-31 10:31:06 UTC  

But they changed their tune later because the new narrative has become more important. Why? Because the Democratic Party gains votes from the class struggle. Since it has a racial layer added on top of it, Democrats must turn against whites in order to gain more votes.

2019-07-31 10:31:21 UTC  

This is why the radicalization of the Democratic Party is happening.

2019-07-31 10:32:06 UTC  

So the oppressed minorities and the socialist elite are now working hand in hand to create a two-class society