Message from @BrandonChimaria (。◕‿◕。✿)

Discord ID: 606918748871327747

2019-08-02 07:16:45 UTC  

It means you're a weeb and that's even worse

2019-08-02 14:23:21 UTC  

I don't give any fucks about ninja, but if this can help twitch the cam
whore site to have some blowback, I'm happy...

A Massive Blow to Twitch - Ninja Exclusive to Mixer

2019-08-02 14:34:08 UTC  

Twitch's Problems Are Going From Bad To Worse As Ninja Makes Bank

2019-08-02 15:18:10 UTC  

This has to be the most shittiest approaches in the market of gaming from the industry of a business standpoint, so please consider "", or "G2A" to financially fuck the devs in the arse... If willing to get the game~ Just consider a VPN

Now having seen, and read the comments made by the dev, on how they market, and
treated the consumers for potential buyers/consumers. They don't even have a
ration of sympathy towards the consumers/supports of the buyer/backers towards
to the project. Since in actuality, Epic games can't afford to do regional pricing.

So this makes it more expensive, than it would on steam. So if anyone is considering
to get this garbage as of now, consider getting it from "fitgirl". Because
these Epic assholes are spewing the same PR bullshit, like what happened with Timmy
Tencent, the CEO of Borderlands calling everyone a Troll, etc. And they had a few can't
remember... But you do see the pretty PR trend coming from developer stunts.
Like they have Eisberg shilling in the fourms "", also now on
twitter shilling hard, and they had Prowler butt budding with them... Haven't seen
prowler in awhile tho, guess the alt was exposed heh!.

So to leave the summary, don't support shit dev's, and please don't consider
pre-ordering ever, with patron's, To kickstarters, or you'll will have this garbage of a farce...

WTF is wrong with the Ooblets devs?

2019-08-02 15:20:48 UTC  

That's the gamble of kickstarters and pre-orders (as well as early access). You might be backing asshats, or it could be amazing.

2019-08-02 15:23:09 UTC  

Yeah, but when they goto epic, the devs turns to literal assholes.

2019-08-02 15:23:25 UTC  

It's like they read from epic's script.

2019-08-02 15:57:31 UTC  

Probably why Epic games esport players are leaving, hahah...
Fucking idiots, can't even manage a damn shopping cart, to data on the CD, now this.

Epic Games is not paying out prize money to competitive Fortnite players
Epic Games are Allegedly not Paying Competitive Fortnite Prize Money
> <>
In light recent Fortnite tournament, Epic-Games has still not paid-out $9000+ to last years winners

2019-08-02 16:03:55 UTC  

Ooblets pulls a bait and switch, still leeching off steam services

2019-08-02 16:15:04 UTC  

Twitch APPROVED "Milking Streams" Celebrate!

2019-08-02 16:37:58 UTC  

Really it's a pretty genius idea.
Make a successful streaming site
Everyone plays games on it, gets huge male audiences
As competitors arise, you start allowing thots
Already have a huge audience base without the stigma of being a porn site.
Retain all viewers, keep making money.

2019-08-02 16:39:19 UTC  

It is tbh.

2019-08-02 17:10:03 UTC  

Bit of a bigger bit on the EGS....
There's fairly strong evidence now that Epic promises a "guaranteed" number of sales of a game, meaning the sales numbers Epic puts out for a game are likely bs. Good news is, if Fortnite stops printing money at any point their business model's utter lack of sustainability will pretty much completely implode the store itself.

2019-08-02 17:14:00 UTC  

This Is How You DON'T Announce Your Game's An Epic Store Exclusive

2019-08-02 17:21:20 UTC  

Mixer CEO talks about Twitch TOS - Streamable

2019-08-02 17:28:06 UTC  

Microsoft Strikes Huge Blow Against Twitch, Signs Ninja As Mixer Exclusive Streamer

2019-08-02 18:17:25 UTC  

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is "Offensive, Unethical, and Encourages War Crimes"

2019-08-02 18:19:18 UTC  

Epic games, and the developers should get fined for embezzlement...

Ooblets developer/s state they "don't need the money [from Patreon]" after Epic Exclusive announcement.

2019-08-02 18:20:20 UTC  

Timmy Tecentsweeny, want to make sure that all of china knows who that data belongs too...

The EGS wants me to prove I've been born to get a "free" game

2019-08-02 18:38:25 UTC

2019-08-02 19:01:42 UTC  

antposting smdh

2019-08-02 21:45:29 UTC  

Damage control...
Assholes like these, including fucking epic, needs to be fined for embezzlement.
And bring to life, of all the cardboard cutout PR from epic, that the CEO of boarderland also done.
Even with Metro with, If you boycott our game, were not publishing anymore on PC...

This is what you call, a ponzi scheme, and swindling with under the table money, because
of how they make publishers switch over on the last minute. Fucking everyone in their wake.
Can't do refunds, at federal level. Then no data on property... These people needs to be investigated.

A Patreon supported game called Ooblets just announced that they will become Epic Exclusives. Devs immediately become Discord assholes and disregard long time supporters. Now the main dev moderating the game's Reddit just remove every single new posts criticizing them.

2019-08-02 21:47:05 UTC  

is this 4th game moving from crowdsourcing to Epic?

2019-08-02 21:48:21 UTC  

Ooblets developer looses it on his own discord

2019-08-02 21:48:33 UTC  

Well, it's a patron crowdsource.

2019-08-02 22:16:50 UTC  

The PR epic script, getting paid to call people off, of long term supporters that funded your game.
And then say people are generally retarded, because how can we be long term supporters, when you
just joined the discord 20minutes ago.

Slow clap for effort, but this will go down in history as the worst marketing ploys from paid shills...
GL epic, this will be your downfall...

This is how you DON'T do PR: Ooflets Edition

2019-08-02 23:40:33 UTC  

Entitled Game Developer's EPIC Melt Down [Ooblets Debacle]

2019-08-02 23:54:45 UTC  

This was the article
@ LewdGamer
got asked questions on.

It talks about adult games coverage where game journos barely talked about it.

Then went on to trash LewdGamer for half an article for the pettiest of things.

2019-08-02 23:56:22 UTC  

Update on The Crate Depression of 2019

2019-08-03 00:06:43 UTC  

Ooblets - Our company promotes fucking over consumers...

2019-08-03 00:15:33 UTC  

From what i understand he blocks people who send him this 🤔

There's one ther dude on R/FuckEpic who had the same thing happen to him

2019-08-03 01:32:02 UTC  


Brother got his bank account suspended for using EGS

2019-08-03 02:42:46 UTC  

ESA Doxxes Over 2,000 Journalists and Content Creators Attending E3

2019-08-03 02:55:27 UTC  

About an hour ago, apparently, Fainted youtube channel was nuked...

so my life has just crumbled right infront of my eyes. i cant even explain how much this hurts.
@ TeamYouTube
please can you take another look at this. my channel "Fainted" has been terminated. please i voice act funny posts

2019-08-03 03:10:50 UTC  
2019-08-03 14:06:04 UTC  

EA, Bethesda & Activision's Trade Group Doxxed Over 2,000 Journalists, Youtubers & Twitch Streamers!