Message from @Wizard_of_The_West

Discord ID: 601495608532008960

2019-07-18 16:23:26 UTC  

damn rucka has another channel?

2019-07-18 18:56:45 UTC  

regardless of whether or not Spider-Man is Jim Acosta

2019-07-18 18:57:13 UTC  

That ||JK Simmons cameo at the end of Far From Home was fucking fantastic||

2019-07-18 18:57:40 UTC  

Legitimately vocally ||cheered for that as a Raimi fan.||

2019-07-18 18:58:09 UTC  

Spoilers because I refuse to ruin it for ||Raimi fans|| who haven't heard or seen it yet

2019-07-18 19:13:08 UTC  

Anyone who cares about the MCU films since Endgame hasn't paid attention. They're going down the exact same path as the GoT series.

2019-07-18 19:14:07 UTC  

I'll be there in a few years to tell the fans "told you so" when they leave the theaters completely heartbroken and disappointed.

2019-07-18 19:14:18 UTC  

And empty inside.

2019-07-18 19:17:14 UTC  


2019-07-18 19:20:16 UTC  

Cowlitz welcome to Ayn Rand
Hated by Libs, Cons and neckbeards👏😄

2019-07-18 19:20:39 UTC  


2019-07-18 19:21:00 UTC  

I'm conservative, liberal, and neckbeard, and I really like Ayn Rand

2019-07-18 19:21:20 UTC  


2019-07-18 19:21:23 UTC  


2019-07-18 19:21:26 UTC  


2019-07-18 19:22:17 UTC  

Yeah gotta wake up at 5 have a job 😥

2019-07-18 19:24:17 UTC  

Orange man bad
Obama man good

2019-07-18 19:26:22 UTC  

"there's a moral way to go about it"
Morally ripping families apart is tight. I definitely support that more than orange man doing it the exact same way... no wait, I mean, I mean...

2019-07-18 19:26:46 UTC  

Cognitive dissonance in action is cringe af

2019-07-18 19:27:35 UTC  

Paraphrasing, she even says "I *imagine* Obama did it more humanely"

2019-07-18 19:28:48 UTC  

It came from the heart with Obama

2019-07-18 19:29:59 UTC  

I just want people to finally accept that virtually all politicians are scum at the end of the day

2019-07-18 19:30:16 UTC  

There are super scummy ones, and less scummy ones, and that's about it

2019-07-18 19:32:15 UTC  

One day I realized that even organizations with the best reputation like Greenpeace, PETA are actually horrible trash. That's the day when I got redpilled about everything.

2019-07-18 19:33:08 UTC  

Whenever there's money or fame to be had in it, it's probably gonna go down the shitter.

2019-07-18 19:33:10 UTC  


2019-07-18 19:33:21 UTC  

No1 thinks that PETA has high reputation

2019-07-18 19:33:40 UTC  

Not anymore

2019-07-18 19:33:59 UTC  


2019-07-18 19:34:14 UTC  

They used to be very high up in people's minds

2019-07-18 19:35:01 UTC  

And afaik people still think Greenpeace is doing mostly good things

2019-07-18 19:50:19 UTC  

If Greenpeace is mostly not doing good things, what are they doing? Out of curiosity. Don't really know that much about them other than they do environmental protests.

2019-07-18 19:54:41 UTC  

Yall talking shit about obama watch out theres a plane bout to blow up in congress and the squad is gonna jump out of it

2019-07-18 20:33:28 UTC  

Aloha snackbar

2019-07-18 20:41:01 UTC  

@TheCinemaShow They're still doing environmental activism, but their internal structure is so authoritarian and thus becomes dogmatic that they often go against real science. Their activism causes more harm than good.

2019-07-18 20:41:56 UTC  

They're exactly like SJW's. Dissenting voices can't get a word in, so they turn into an authoritarian echo chamber.

2019-07-18 20:46:58 UTC  

There's also the extended damage they're causing. Because of their dogmatism, they brainwash other citizens who then act the same way. For example my grandfather successfully protested the Zwentendorf AKW (a planned nuclear power plant in Austria) living on nothing but donations. That plant could've helped the country tremendously, thanks to him it just turned into a money sink before it was stopped. It also made him an insufferable father, he had eight children who all had to endure his immense ego and lack of care.

2019-07-18 20:48:38 UTC  

I have nothing against people who are pro-environment, in fact I always support the preservation of natural land if it makes any sense. But some people push this idea to the extreme to the detriment of the society.

2019-07-18 20:53:51 UTC  

Or just take Germany. These stupid NPCs are in the process of stopping all of their nuclear power plants.

2019-07-18 20:54:12 UTC  

This is thanks to groups like Greenpeace pushing out alarmist propaganda.

2019-07-18 20:55:47 UTC  

No one can explain why they're against this source of power after they see the statistics on energy safety.
So what this means is that the citizens are effectively donating to groups that then brainwash the citizens to go against science.