Message from @Tonight at 11 - DOOM

Discord ID: 603983914142531586

2019-07-25 14:01:06 UTC  


2019-07-25 14:01:25 UTC  

But the left is still against the idea...

2019-07-25 14:01:45 UTC  

And leaving the boarder open for the last 30 years, leaving MS-13 to roam free.

2019-07-25 14:43:09 UTC  

Trump rolling with a breach of free speech?
Imagine my shock

2019-07-25 15:28:59 UTC  

lol the wall won't happen its a meme

2019-07-25 15:29:26 UTC  

Trump already worries me after the Los Vegas shooting and banning bump stocks. He's not going to protect gun rights

2019-07-25 15:32:09 UTC  

> lol the wall won't happen its a meme

2019-07-25 16:00:53 UTC  

Trump isn't really a concern if people actually voted representatives into the House that respected the Constitution and our natural rights.

2019-07-25 16:02:38 UTC  

If only the ppl voted like I do, the policies I want would be passed.
- @Wizard_of_The_West

2019-07-25 16:03:50 UTC  

I didn't say that but whatever floats your boat.

2019-07-25 16:04:14 UTC  

you totally did though

2019-07-25 16:05:29 UTC  

I didn't. I said if we had representatives that respected the Constitution, which is part of their oath, and our natural rights, which means not violating the bill of rights or trying to circumvent it, then Trump isn't a real concern.

2019-07-25 16:05:48 UTC  

Your just strawmanning.

2019-07-25 16:05:56 UTC  


2019-07-25 16:07:46 UTC  

But that isn't the case so everyone should be super concerned.

2019-07-25 16:14:00 UTC  

Ur alphabet soup bureaus delete ppl kinda at will and start wars that congress doesn't have to approve because they call them #NotAWar, u have obvious political dynasties emerging in your republic, u have institutionalized political bribery, u have a press complicit in the maintaining of the status quo to the point of a mental disorder, you are losing ground to China as far as your global hegemony is concerned, u have a total disconnect of the alleged sovereign body of your polity ("the people") from your entire foreign policy which happens to be a huge part of the source of your wealth.

Trump being wacky is really not the core of ur issues dewd

2019-07-25 16:16:08 UTC  

You have a *very* violent society by rich place standards, you have obvious identity rifts between different communities in ur country, u have poor sanitation

2019-07-25 16:16:11 UTC  


2019-07-25 16:16:17 UTC  

there is SO many problems

2019-07-25 16:16:26 UTC  

Muttica is facing rn

2019-07-25 16:16:42 UTC  

If anyone thinks Trump is the big one, they are daft

2019-07-25 16:55:41 UTC  

Lemme just list all the negative things about your country and then end with the conclusion that your society as a whole is very violent, divided and generally falling apart cause that's a proper argument that will hold up to scrutiny

2019-07-25 16:56:23 UTC  

And I can prove it, kiddo. With my opinion.

2019-07-25 17:02:26 UTC  

The list of problems is real. The level of violence in (some) inner cities *is* really high and I never said falling apart

2019-07-25 17:02:52 UTC  

But you're painting it as if this was specific to the US

2019-07-25 17:03:03 UTC  

And yes, I think that, considering all that, being afraid of orange man is not exactly a top priority

2019-07-25 17:03:17 UTC  

Am I?

2019-07-25 17:03:39 UTC  

Like, if other buildings are on fire, does it make it OK that your property is on fire?

2019-07-25 17:03:48 UTC  

This is not a contest

2019-07-25 17:03:53 UTC  

I'm not trying to bash the US

2019-07-25 17:03:55 UTC  

Point taken

2019-07-25 17:04:06 UTC  

I don't think the US is bad at all though

2019-07-25 17:04:14 UTC  

It's just so easy to focus on the problems

2019-07-25 17:04:29 UTC  

Dat is universally the case really

2019-07-25 17:04:36 UTC  

you take the good for granted

2019-07-25 17:04:45 UTC  

and focus on the problems, cause they bother u

2019-07-25 17:05:00 UTC  

Yeah, people forget poverty used to be the norm not so long ago

2019-07-25 17:05:14 UTC  


2019-07-25 17:05:38 UTC  

and, in terms of poverty, even the ghettoest places in the US area not even CLOSE to starving

2019-07-25 17:05:45 UTC  

or even having nutrition problems