Message from @FuckingNobody

Discord ID: 604680135752286243

2019-07-27 14:18:44 UTC  

It's one population

2019-07-27 14:18:57 UTC  

Americans for example, they're not Hungarians

2019-07-27 14:19:02 UTC  

no shit

2019-07-27 14:19:03 UTC  

Different history, different people, everything different

2019-07-27 14:19:08 UTC  

Sounds like propaganda and government red scare programs but okay.

2019-07-27 14:19:28 UTC  

No it's more that Ethreen is looking at Hungary very superficially

2019-07-27 14:19:39 UTC  

I'd prefer a population that knows the truth than a population that thinks the way you want them to think.

2019-07-27 14:20:00 UTC  

all i'm saying is that Hungarian style governments should be emulated

2019-07-27 14:20:08 UTC  

thats not a very radical idea

2019-07-27 14:20:12 UTC  

And I was trying to show that stuff like that has been tried in america and thoses are two prominent examples.

2019-07-27 14:20:17 UTC  

You're arguing it should be state-enforced

2019-07-27 14:20:24 UTC  


2019-07-27 14:20:25 UTC  


2019-07-27 14:20:33 UTC  

Then don't beat around the bush, you want a dictatorship

2019-07-27 14:20:38 UTC  

It's a radical idea for a government to have a right to enforce what people think and experience.

2019-07-27 14:21:15 UTC  

Or a monarchy, which is in the same ballpark, so whatever

2019-07-27 14:21:54 UTC  

The UK is going to shit because it's a fuckfest of undemocratic leadership positions, so the way I see it, leaving things in the hands of a few elite is a terrible idea

2019-07-27 14:22:12 UTC  


2019-07-27 14:22:27 UTC  

i dont want i dictatorship because i dont want to die, i believe people should be equipt with protections to remove dictators i.e guns, with that being said i want to live in a functioning state with non-degenerate values, if that means living in a slightly less free country so be it

2019-07-27 14:22:45 UTC  

You won't have guns when this traditionalism thing becomes enforced

2019-07-27 14:22:58 UTC  

What if your values are the degenerate ones?

2019-07-27 14:23:28 UTC  

If the state decides religion or monogamy is in fact degeneracy, what then?

2019-07-27 14:23:51 UTC  

well they wouldn't do it over night

2019-07-27 14:24:00 UTC  

there would be signs that they were planning that

2019-07-27 14:24:11 UTC  

years before it happened

2019-07-27 14:24:13 UTC  

And then you'd step in with your guns... oh wait, you don't have any anymore

2019-07-27 14:24:31 UTC  

It's easy to say you don't like this, so get rid of it, but that opens a very dangerous path.

2019-07-27 14:24:44 UTC  

You're taking the same logic as the sjws.

2019-07-27 14:24:59 UTC  

again i'm not advocating for dictatorship, there would be rules that the government must follow and cant change

2019-07-27 14:25:23 UTC  

like a constitution

2019-07-27 14:25:30 UTC  


2019-07-27 14:25:55 UTC  

thats the biggest problem in the uk politically, we lack a written constitution similar to the US one

2019-07-27 14:26:04 UTC  

I'm just saying mate, the path to ban things you don't like will be used against things you like eventually.

2019-07-27 14:27:03 UTC  

alternatively if you belive that a government has to much power, NGOs should be used to influence social policy

2019-07-27 14:27:26 UTC  

since then nothing has been banned

2019-07-27 14:27:30 UTC  

just made taboo

2019-07-27 14:27:56 UTC  

Your plan is so chaotic and self-defeating it might just work because no one would take it seriously, like another Trump situation

2019-07-27 14:28:23 UTC  

We have culture and social ostracism for a reason, humans can naturally fight against "degeneracy" without the need for government.

2019-07-27 14:28:43 UTC  

I think traditionalists have this purist view of the past

2019-07-27 14:28:54 UTC  

This childlike view that things used to be better, less degenerate

2019-07-27 14:29:00 UTC  

The heavy hand of government will catch more than you think, and you will likely not escape it's grasp.