Message from @Miniature Menace

Discord ID: 607155726430765066

2019-08-03 05:54:19 UTC  

There's also the factor of manorialism, and how the lords would administrate their peasants and serfs, favoring certain characteristics, and hard work. And this would be done for generations.

2019-08-03 07:20:04 UTC  

@Miniature Menace
They're not even making the black Genocide subtle any more

2019-08-03 07:33:50 UTC  

@Jym I couldn't find the term "meotic", did you mean "meiotic"? I'm not being a smartass, just curious 😄

2019-08-03 09:48:46 UTC  

I’m still waiting for the day when the real alt right starts endorsing the democrats

2019-08-03 09:49:16 UTC  

For once they’d actually serve a use

2019-08-03 09:49:51 UTC  

We need Richard Spencer to get airtime on cnn and totally support them

2019-08-03 09:55:49 UTC  

There's legit a segment from Morrakiu, the dude who does "The Merchant Minute" where he argues, ironically, for supporting certain Liberal policies, because they result in conclusions that benefit the alt-right. It's called "agreeing with Liberals for all the wrong reasons"

2019-08-03 10:00:41 UTC  

It's not really a sincere argument most of the time, but rather an illustration of how much liberal policies actually fuck over liberal constituents more than if the far right won.

2019-08-03 10:01:35 UTC  

the left will never really be convinced by this argument, not only because it comes from evil right wingers, but because their definition of victory is pretty much just defined by how miserable they can make those they don't like, while extracting gibs from them

2019-08-03 10:01:56 UTC  

even if it makes them miserable, also

2019-08-03 10:04:04 UTC  

Anything that is not a gay space communist utopia is evil

2019-08-03 10:05:29 UTC  

was trying to find the song he did

2019-08-03 10:05:36 UTC  

but ended up finding this

2019-08-03 10:06:18 UTC  

here's an example of the segment

2019-08-03 10:11:11 UTC  

This is probably one of the examples a more sincere argument

2019-08-03 10:20:05 UTC  

seem to be a lot more sincere arguments than I remember

2019-08-03 10:20:19 UTC  

I think the more ironic joke arguments were in the song he did by the same name

2019-08-03 10:27:55 UTC  

His universal healthcare argument is pretty shitty, because he doesn't account for how much of the expense of the US system is a consequence bearing the cost of much of the world's medical R&D, as well, as the high cost of our medical training compared to many other countries due to the regulatory capture of licensing. Nor does he acknowledge how the difference between the US and Canadian expenses my be a product of the dramatically different demographics. He uses, of all examples for revising the system, Maine, which is very white, and therefore a very bad example of what would likely happen. He's also naively optimistic of the capacity for governments and cartels to surrender funding they've already secured just because they don't need it anymore.

2019-08-03 13:17:07 UTC  

Interview of Aldus Huxley

2019-08-03 15:30:56 UTC  


Yeah that would be a typo it was like past 1 in the morning when we had that chat and whenever you start using technical terms half of them get red underlines. Really cool that you're interested in the subject. I just really think people should study the subject directly rather than through YouTubers and random PubMed articles. If you're not into books I mentioned Sopalsky's intro the whole course is available free online from Stanford. Or for psych course that includes biological factors Bloom's is available from Yale.

2019-08-03 15:33:28 UTC  

@Miniature Menace

Fred Reed wrote a satire in the same vein. The overall thesis was that social welfare programs were a plot by the KKK to cripple black communities.

2019-08-03 15:36:08 UTC  

I'm a pleb on these subjects, but I find them fascinating yeah

2019-08-03 15:36:19 UTC  

thx for the recommendation

2019-08-03 15:52:59 UTC  

What are people's thoughts on this? The comments on it are just salty MGTOW ppl from what I can tell

2019-08-03 17:03:37 UTC  

Doesn't seem that controversial to me.

2019-08-03 17:05:07 UTC  

Agreed. I thought the video was great and I too noticed that the commenters were mostly MGTOWs.

2019-08-03 18:18:18 UTC  

Why do people judge a video by the comment and not by the content of the video itself? It is just guilt by association.

2019-08-03 19:22:58 UTC  

I watched that video and I did not agree with it

2019-08-03 19:23:12 UTC  

Guy sounds like a 2007 neocon

2019-08-03 19:23:36 UTC  

Who fucking cares if some guy watches porn, go fuck yourself McCain

2019-08-03 19:24:23 UTC  

mad cuz you like watching porn

2019-08-03 20:09:55 UTC  

Nothing will change. This hookup culture and the 80/20 rule that comes with it is a women's utopia. Male celibacy rates will continue to skyrocket as they have over the last 10 years. Women en masse aren't gonna vote to take away the absurd advantages they have in the family courts. Nobody on either side of the aisle advocates for men, so the laws will stay the same. Marriage rates will continue to plummet as more men realise how little reward and high risk now comes with it. MGTOW life philosophy will continue to spread amongst men due to a refusal to change from women and society's position. We can all guess where society goes from there. The End.

2019-08-03 20:10:20 UTC  

jkjkj guys I just copied this from a random comment

2019-08-03 20:35:46 UTC  

I got a wall of text incoming regarding this