Message from @Tonight at 11 - DOOM

Discord ID: 609156378933854219

2019-08-08 18:42:31 UTC  

This guy does a fantastic job explaining why

2019-08-08 18:43:38 UTC  

Cool shit

2019-08-08 20:35:30 UTC  

He did a fairly good post on why this is happening and how the 2ACW will play out. It wont be like what we think like Feds/communist,fascists,ethnonationalists but rather multiple cells that carry out terrorism in order to overthrow the old order in order to have a voice in the political process. I honestly cant blame them. Many would feel the same that the system has broken down and now the only way is violence. It wont be like what we think of National Guards fighting outright against *clear cut* enemies as they will appear as normal people who take subversive methods to get what they want. Corporatist capitalism and the increasing ownership of corporations rather than actual citizens guiding America will only fuel this as goes on i.e. corporations pushing for open borders more or less to increase profits via mass immigration for cheap labor which depresses wages, which gives them a cycle of buying off politicians who vote the way they want instead of respecting the implicit rules of the federal system of America, rise of authorianism via censorship, deplatforming, disarmament, and economic warfare via banks banning people outright denying them the basics we rely on to survive in the modern world causes many to view this as bleak future which many do not want. In some ways the Business Plot of the 30s succeeded. Not by Ford, but by the multinational companies who have no allegiance to any country and only towards the profits they have. These elements fuel the rising resentment of the Federal government and society at large which will become the 2ACW via 4GW

2019-08-08 22:43:19 UTC  

@SnowPirate67 He sounds like Tim Pool with his redefinition of "war".

2019-08-08 22:46:01 UTC  

The argument that you may have been in civil war for half a decade or maybe several decades, with only lone wolf attacks from actors that are not even connected .... that's such a nonsense. There are no stabilized factions, there is not continuing daily grind of war.

2019-08-08 22:47:46 UTC  

The only faction that seems to be stabilized themselves in the street thuggery is Antifa. BLM, Alt-Right, crazy feminists and faggots don't have a daily presence in extra-political influencing.

2019-08-08 22:47:50 UTC  

that’s the’s highly decentralized where no one faction is prominent

2019-08-08 22:48:06 UTC  

And if Antifa is one faction of civil war, who is the other faction? Govt? Govt isn't even against Antifa.

2019-08-08 22:48:12 UTC  

@Tonight at 11 - DOOM Wasn't the Papal Inquisition MUCH worse than their Spanish equivalent?

2019-08-08 22:48:24 UTC  

(I vaguely recall seeing something that said as much)

2019-08-08 22:48:25 UTC  

@SnowPirate67 I don't consider "anarchy" to be "war".

2019-08-08 22:48:31 UTC  

it’s a coalition of under a loose umbrella covering all sectors of ideologies all united under the determination to see themselves heard and their concerns redressed

2019-08-08 22:48:32 UTC  

Chicago is not "civil war".

2019-08-08 22:48:48 UTC  

Even if guns are fired every single day.

2019-08-08 22:48:50 UTC  

Whoops guess the Syrian Civil War wasn’t a real war by that definition then

2019-08-08 22:49:06 UTC  

you really did miss the point of what he was saying

2019-08-08 22:49:17 UTC  

Well, they had at least Assad and rebels. Rebels obviously different factions.

2019-08-08 22:49:23 UTC  

In USA, you have... what?

2019-08-08 22:49:47 UTC  

Antifa, the Govt, and Right-Wing groups

2019-08-08 22:49:58 UTC  

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck No, the Spanish one was the bloodiest. The particularity in the Papal States was that, because the lay authority WAS the Pope, it was the actual Inquisition that directly did the violence, not a separate party. So in that sense, they were more bloody, because the blood was on their hands.

2019-08-08 22:50:06 UTC  

Anarchists, fascists, ethnonationalists, communists, and even normal people who were just pushed into fighting for them to be able to participate in the process

2019-08-08 22:50:15 UTC  

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck And what has govt done to curb Antifa?

2019-08-08 22:50:23 UTC  

NJ considers them terrorists iirc

2019-08-08 22:50:33 UTC  

But regardless, over all, the number of victims was very small

2019-08-08 22:50:38 UTC  

It's an odd war when govt takes punishment but doesn't shoot back.

2019-08-08 22:50:38 UTC  

The point he was making was that no faction or even organization would be the label of the enemy against the feds

2019-08-08 22:50:53 UTC  


2019-08-08 22:51:10 UTC  

And have any of Antifa been sent to Guantanamo?

2019-08-08 22:51:28 UTC  

And reigned the rule that the 1st offense is forgiven anyway.

2019-08-08 22:51:29 UTC  

All terrorists are sent to Guantanamo?

2019-08-08 22:51:41 UTC  

Was the OKC bomber sent to Guantanamo?

2019-08-08 22:52:12 UTC  

like unironically pulling a strawman when that’s not the point I am making or his for that matter

2019-08-08 22:52:26 UTC  

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck Was OKC even a military combatant?

2019-08-08 22:52:27 UTC  

Was the Unabomber sent to Guantanamo?

2019-08-08 22:52:46 UTC  

All terrorists are military combatants?

2019-08-08 22:53:01 UTC  

If you claim there's a war, Antifa are military combatant. They can and need to be imprisoned **without trial** into POW camps. Or shot dead with deadly force without trial.

2019-08-08 22:53:04 UTC  

That's war.

2019-08-08 22:53:23 UTC  

I don't really consider there to be a war currently being fought in the USA