Message from @D3bug_logic

Discord ID: 610175338130964534

2019-08-11 16:52:43 UTC  

or did you make a retarded and false assumption and not catch on to the sarcasm?

2019-08-11 16:53:15 UTC  

> not catch on to the sarcasm

2019-08-11 16:53:24 UTC  

> sarcasm

2019-08-11 16:53:29 UTC  

> not catch on to

2019-08-11 17:10:02 UTC  

Regarding *Hunt*, I haven't heard a damn thing about it.. what was so reprehensible that folks called for it being pulled? (Sorry, not gonna pollute my search history with that one. >.>)

2019-08-11 17:13:04 UTC  

Regarding Pool on Conspiracy theories, haven't seen the vid yet, but YT keeps on directing me to 'im through Autoplay (despite what politics I'm *actually* in the mood to hear), so undoubtedly I'll be forced to watch it anyhow.. but if the premise is anything similar to my own, *shrugs* odds are odds. We have no details, and assumptions really don't help here.

2019-08-11 17:57:53 UTC  

Sargon's comparison to Brexit and WW2 is not only inaccurate.
In Sargon's comparison he compares that we shouldn't surrender to the EU like we didn't surrender in WW2.
When in regards to WW2 we didn't surrender because we wanted to influence the politics of Europe.
We were at no real threat of invasion.
On the contrary Nazi Germany was at threat from us.
Surely to advocate the UK being independent of the EU it means the EU is independent of the UK.
If Sargon believes the Europe should have no business in the matters of the UK isn't it hypocrisy to advocate the UK's influence over Europe.
I.e the exact thing WW2 was fought over.
If you get what I mean

2019-08-11 18:13:03 UTC  

So when brexit happens they will never talk with EU again?

2019-08-11 18:13:29 UTC  


2019-08-11 18:13:37 UTC  

It just sounds like your saying in order for Britain to influence europe they have to be subservient

2019-08-11 18:15:51 UTC  

Trading doesn't mean influencing their politics.
If a war happens in Europe then I don't see why that's any of my business.

2019-08-11 18:16:14 UTC  

until they come to conquer you

2019-08-11 18:16:42 UTC  

and trading of course means influencing politics theres an entire trade war going on between US and China right now

2019-08-11 18:16:43 UTC  

But when they actual don't and would rather have peace

2019-08-11 18:17:01 UTC  

who wants peace?

2019-08-11 18:17:09 UTC  

The Nazis

2019-08-11 18:17:14 UTC  


2019-08-11 18:17:23 UTC  

nazis didnt want peace

2019-08-11 18:17:42 UTC  

They didn't want to invade Britain they were to busy getting fucked up by the Russians

2019-08-11 18:18:20 UTC  

they didnt want to invade Britain yet . They didnt want to invade poland until they did, they didnt want to invade france until they did

2019-08-11 18:18:57 UTC  

the nazis generated a wartime economy that required a war or else hitler would have lost power, his economy require expansionism

2019-08-11 18:20:05 UTC  

They had no means to invade Britain. The allies declared war on Germany not the other way round.

2019-08-11 18:20:16 UTC  

after what?

2019-08-11 18:20:26 UTC  

y did they declare war?

2019-08-11 18:20:33 UTC  

Germany declared war on Poland knowing that they were guaranteed by the French and English...

2019-08-11 18:20:37 UTC  

This is nonsense

2019-08-11 18:20:37 UTC  

(they still attempted to)

2019-08-11 18:21:02 UTC  

so Germany invades Poland so Britain and france should do what?

2019-08-11 18:21:11 UTC  

let them have it, Neville?

2019-08-11 18:21:22 UTC  

So what? How is the guaranteeing of Poland the business of England

2019-08-11 18:21:27 UTC  

no one did shit in WW2 until attacked

2019-08-11 18:21:44 UTC  

IT is the business of England because England made it its business

2019-08-11 18:22:14 UTC  

IF you publicly declare a guarantee, and then someone attacks the ppl you are guaranteeing

2019-08-11 18:22:22 UTC  

England had deplomacy with poland and france should they just bail on their agreements/

2019-08-11 18:22:29 UTC  

Yes and sent another generation into another pointless wat

2019-08-11 18:22:31 UTC  

that 3rd party clearly knew what they were doing

2019-08-11 18:22:44 UTC  

POINTLESS WAR <:powerful:595334910764515338>

2019-08-11 18:22:48 UTC  


2019-08-11 18:22:58 UTC  

Hitler started the pointless war is the point

2019-08-11 18:23:06 UTC  

which you were trying to dismiss

2019-08-11 18:23:06 UTC  
