Message from @Jokerfaic

Discord ID: 605440527080620053

2019-07-29 16:34:49 UTC  

Good or bad, I don't know. At least they're attempting something.

2019-07-29 16:35:06 UTC  

That is largely the case, but Democrats have lost the plot on what will actually positively impact the country in most topics.

2019-07-29 16:35:47 UTC  

I don't know all that much about both parties tbh

2019-07-29 16:36:02 UTC  

They have a decent approach to healthcare though

2019-07-29 16:36:05 UTC  

universal health insurance and publicly funded college are about the only genuinely good ideas they've got so far, at least ideas held up by several candidates

2019-07-29 16:36:22 UTC  

Those are the only two that I know they have

2019-07-29 16:38:12 UTC  

but the rest are open borders, a no-delay sharp jump in minimum wage, continual bending of the knee to identitarian rhetoric like reparations, and refusal to substantively oppose the current foreign policy of endless war

2019-07-29 16:39:02 UTC  

I would imagine the democrats to be hawks?

2019-07-29 16:39:07 UTC  

I would have expected doves?

2019-07-29 16:39:08 UTC  

But you're absolutely correct about Republicans simply being contrarian and offering no solutions of their own

2019-07-29 16:39:56 UTC  

Republicans certainly corner the political market on border security, but that's really about it.

2019-07-29 16:40:11 UTC  

Sounds about right

2019-07-29 16:40:20 UTC  

That's where most of their focus is

2019-07-29 16:40:24 UTC  

That and "Socialism bad"

2019-07-29 16:42:01 UTC  

exactly, and they've spent decades branding any sort of direct-government-interaction with these issues as 'socialism', that its no wonder a new generation has lost patience and said "you know what, fine, guess we're socialists now."

2019-07-29 16:42:14 UTC  


2019-07-29 16:42:24 UTC  

That's the red scare for you

2019-07-29 16:42:45 UTC  

It seems like the Republicans are out of touch with the times

2019-07-29 16:42:50 UTC  

Stuck in the cold war

2019-07-29 16:43:50 UTC  

Don't forget, Socialist and communist ideology hit fertile soil in Russia because the tsars were fucking isular, self-involved monarchs with no regard for the citizenry

2019-07-29 16:44:30 UTC  

Moscow was starving long before Lenin came along.

2019-07-29 16:44:38 UTC  


2019-07-29 16:47:23 UTC  

The Republicans offering very little is the reason I think they will lose in 2020

2019-07-29 16:52:21 UTC  

Communism and socialism are incorrect philosophies that lead to ruin, that's not in question. But Republican party orthodoxy gets a fair share of credit for its rise in America.

2019-07-29 16:53:41 UTC  

Tbh what the Democrats are offering isn't even that bad

2019-07-29 16:53:48 UTC  

They'll never get any of the 'radical' things through

2019-07-29 16:53:56 UTC  

But the more moderate reforms, they could do

2019-07-29 16:54:03 UTC  

*Depending on what the houses look like*

2019-07-29 16:54:21 UTC  

But the more moderate reform is acceptable to a majority of Democrats

2019-07-29 16:54:28 UTC  

Whereas the extreme only appeals to a minority.

2019-07-29 16:54:31 UTC  

I think you people are vastly simplifying the whole thing.
First, blaming Republicans founded on the basis of the Laissez-faire for being against state interventioin is like blaming a dog for barking.
Second, the Universal Healthcare in Amerca has been blocked by Republicans and Democrats in the psat and will be in the future near future in multiple states.

2019-07-29 16:55:08 UTC  

States like California has voted against State level univsersal heatlchare, thsi is not a partisan issue.

2019-07-29 16:55:10 UTC  

The issue is Laissez-faire isn't providing anymore

2019-07-29 16:55:16 UTC  

In some areas *

2019-07-29 16:55:29 UTC  

The issue is, the Republicans are stuck to it and won't reform, or change.

2019-07-29 16:55:40 UTC  

no, the issue is lazze faire should apply to commodity goods and services, not fucking hospitals and schools

2019-07-29 16:55:50 UTC  


2019-07-29 16:55:50 UTC  

First, There is no Laisserz-faire in the US, not anymore.
Second, Laisserz-faire economic is doing pretty well in countries like Sweden.

2019-07-29 16:55:50 UTC  

Probably that yeah

2019-07-29 16:56:05 UTC  

there's one thing you can't blame democrats for, fucking disgusting private prisons