Message from @Weez

Discord ID: 608715321087492098

2019-08-07 17:30:45 UTC  

Brits also pitted the minorities against one another to some extent

2019-08-07 17:31:03 UTC  

As a means to facilitate staying in power

2019-08-07 17:31:07 UTC  

Keep them fighting each other and not us.

2019-08-07 17:31:10 UTC  


2019-08-07 17:31:43 UTC  

s'hard to account for what impact that had long term though

2019-08-07 17:32:08 UTC  

Well that wasn't taken into consideration

2019-08-07 17:32:18 UTC  

Because it was assumed, more troops could be stationed there

2019-08-07 17:32:20 UTC  

The Parsis were very much used by the Brits, yet they are entirely fine and no one minds them.

2019-08-07 17:32:50 UTC  

No, I mean what impact it ended up having on he situation today

2019-08-07 17:33:06 UTC  


2019-08-07 17:33:17 UTC  

It wasn't assumed we would be pulling out

2019-08-07 17:33:21 UTC  

Or disbanding the empire

2019-08-07 17:33:24 UTC  


2019-08-07 17:35:45 UTC  

I'm somewhat confused by the Sargonites meming about how Britain can just trade with the Commonwealth after it leaves the EU. Surely the biggest market there is India and I cannot imagine they are that interested in opening themselves again for privileged British merchants...

2019-08-07 17:36:13 UTC  

Both India and the UK want more economic growth

2019-08-07 17:36:24 UTC  

India wants it, so it can *try* compete with China

2019-08-07 17:36:29 UTC  

The UK wants it to stay afloat

2019-08-07 17:36:42 UTC  

literally everyone wants more economic growth, other then some weirdo extremists

2019-08-07 17:36:52 UTC  

Most of the idiots on here that are anti EU cheered when we voted to leave

2019-08-07 17:37:08 UTC  

They're also the people to complain about immigration from """Asia"""

2019-08-07 17:37:21 UTC  

Yet they fail to realise that us leaving the EU will mean increasing immigration from """Asia"""

2019-08-07 17:37:29 UTC  

lol yes

2019-08-07 17:37:32 UTC  

Importing MORE people they despise into the country

2019-08-07 17:37:42 UTC  

I've met plenty of Poles and a few Romanians

2019-08-07 17:37:45 UTC  

They're alright

2019-08-07 17:37:52 UTC  

it's a choice between Romanians and Pakis I'm afraid

2019-08-07 17:37:54 UTC  

They work hard and they're not scum

2019-08-07 17:37:58 UTC  

Pakis on the other hand

2019-08-07 17:38:11 UTC  

Are like a growing cancer who despise us

2019-08-07 17:38:26 UTC  

I don even blame em tbh

2019-08-07 17:38:39 UTC  

We brought it on ourselves tbh

2019-08-07 17:38:40 UTC  

I met a Congolese dude once

2019-08-07 17:41:02 UTC  

A despicable character tbh, *but* when he says that he thinks that Belguim owes him everything he can get out of it because his great uncle got his hand chopped off for working too slow. I don;t see how he doesn;t have a point. I don't think it's a sustainable model of development - just stealing back what was to some degree stolen, but it's not like I wouldn;t feel entitled to this were I in his position.

2019-08-07 17:41:11 UTC  

In the case of the Pakis though

2019-08-07 17:41:20 UTC  

put yourself in their shoes

2019-08-07 17:41:33 UTC  

they come to the capital of the ppl who used them as cheap labor

2019-08-07 17:41:55 UTC  

the ppl there live by a code of "ye no, we were totally in the wrong"

2019-08-07 17:42:08 UTC  


2019-08-07 17:42:13 UTC  

Brought it on ourselves.

2019-08-07 17:42:14 UTC  

they have a frankly despicable culture of excess and debauchery

2019-08-07 17:42:26 UTC  

they chop the dicks off their kids