Message from @Wilmore

Discord ID: 610974123690164247

2019-08-13 22:41:37 UTC  

Here’s an interesting video. They theorize that big tech platforms are slowly regressing society back into feudalism.

2019-08-13 22:41:40 UTC  

If there was an attack by a Fascist however the media would be over it for days

2019-08-13 22:45:04 UTC

2019-08-13 22:49:59 UTC  

New narrative: Epstein committed by using the bed sheets to paper cut himself to death.

2019-08-13 22:51:21 UTC  

he swallowed them

2019-08-13 22:51:21 UTC  

ripped them up and swallowed them

2019-08-13 23:06:49 UTC  

reread this article in light of what happened

2019-08-13 23:06:58 UTC  

it sheds new light on what might have happened

2019-08-13 23:07:33 UTC  

But Bruce Barket, an attorney for another inmate on the same Special Housing Unit, told The Daily Beast that his law partner saw Epstein and his attorneys at the MCC on Wednesday morning “and he looked fine.”

Barket said a report that his client, Nick Tartaglione, had been questioned about a possible assault on Epstein was inaccurate. He alleged that his name was leaked by someone at the jail in retaliation for complaints about “hellhole” conditions there.

2019-08-13 23:07:37 UTC  

this part caught my eye

2019-08-13 23:08:09 UTC  


2019-08-13 23:08:13 UTC  

someone leaked his name to the press because of the conditions at the prison

2019-08-13 23:08:22 UTC  

sounds like a guard who could be easily bribed to doze off

2019-08-13 23:08:57 UTC  


2019-08-13 23:09:07 UTC  

someone better talk to Nick Tartaglione and ask him what guard has an ax to grind against him

2019-08-13 23:09:14 UTC  

thats the weak link in the chain

2019-08-13 23:09:30 UTC  


2019-08-13 23:12:12 UTC  

The gangs know who did it

2019-08-13 23:13:02 UTC  

theres a key inconsistency tho

2019-08-13 23:13:22 UTC  

they said he used the bed to tie the sheet he hung himself with

2019-08-13 23:13:27 UTC

2019-08-13 23:13:40 UTC  

these are the solitary cells there, this is el chapos

2019-08-13 23:13:50 UTC  

the bed cannot be lifted, its a thin mattress on a slab

2019-08-13 23:14:56 UTC  

I posted about that earlier a former inmate said that the bedsheets were not much stronger than paper which if true exposes that someone involved in the Epstein case is lying

2019-08-13 23:15:07 UTC  

and this el chapo cell has cameras

2019-08-13 23:15:23 UTC  

but here's something i dont see anyone talking about

2019-08-13 23:15:35 UTC  

it's been mentioned he had a cellmate that was removed the day before

2019-08-13 23:15:40 UTC  

the day before he died

2019-08-13 23:15:52 UTC  

but how can you have a cellmate in this one bed cell

2019-08-13 23:16:01 UTC  

According to some people i have heard from the Cameras malfunctioned in the time that he committed suicide

2019-08-13 23:16:05 UTC  

unless he also was sent to a new cell just yesterday

2019-08-13 23:16:53 UTC  

maybe he wasnt in a solitary cell at all, like we've assumed

2019-08-13 23:17:08 UTC  

this is the layout of a two person cell in this prison

2019-08-13 23:17:31 UTC  

you can theoretically strangle yourself on that, it's not impossible

2019-08-13 23:17:44 UTC  

With what though?

2019-08-13 23:18:01 UTC  

If the bedsheets were about the same as paper he couldn't use them

2019-08-13 23:18:14 UTC  

They wouldn't be able to hold his weight

2019-08-13 23:18:45 UTC  

well they dont have to hold the entire body weight, his neck wasnt broken like a traditional hanging, he died from lack of oxygen

2019-08-13 23:19:08 UTC  

he just needed enough body weight to stop enough airflow for him to pass out then die