Message from @spooky ducc
Discord ID: 599008192634290178
Pedophiles belong with their testes between two stones and their vaginal lips removed
@Gservator you heard from notfox recently? I’m missing his victim complex
Bronies are wholesome, but some of theme are cringy recluses that don't know how to socialise properly
pick one, dude
niga what
what is this horsefucker apologetics
did he actually say that?
can I have my name on that
(Sidenote: How long do you reckon it is before he gets yeeted?)
I went round and round with him pretty hard myself
Everybody has tbf
that one day where the entirety of the chat went on him hard, I managed to get him to stop responding to me <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>
>that one day
WHAT day? there were multiple
a couple weeks ago when he was extra spergy
that's still kinda vague
eh, fair
I personally remember it
I totally believe it, though.
Kept trying to force him to answer very important questions
I think that was when he revealed he didn't believe in money
I got him to reveal that he didn't believe in money lmao
My Macro Class had a meme with a lowerclassman who said that
but he was joking
Money tangibly exists
and everything has value of some sort
therefore, money has value
Bababooey literally does not believe in money in his AnCom fantasy land
"A stateless classless moneyless society"
literally fucking how, lmao