Message from @Uksio

Discord ID: 607781634506358784

2019-08-05 03:42:38 UTC  

hard light but are actually women to promote LGBT causes but also not actually women so they dont get in trouble with the networks

2019-08-05 03:42:41 UTC  

well not all the time, it happens

2019-08-05 03:42:53 UTC  

@Ayylmao it's kind of a sweet show, but like most lefty stuff, it's painfully lefty

2019-08-05 03:43:01 UTC  

Okay by SU I first thought you meant Soviet Union, the fuck are you all on about

2019-08-05 03:43:11 UTC  

who fuse because its actually sex but also actually not sex because thatd be weird in a kids show

2019-08-05 03:43:20 UTC  

The power of love without hard decisions and effort is enough

2019-08-05 03:43:25 UTC  

you ever watch E;R videos on SU?

2019-08-05 03:43:36 UTC  

that was what i was referring to

2019-08-05 03:43:38 UTC  

good channel

2019-08-05 03:43:48 UTC  

@Ayylmao it's their version of sex, but not really the same

2019-08-05 03:43:55 UTC  

cunts and your fucking acronyms

2019-08-05 03:45:16 UTC  

it's like how the gems are asexual lesbians

2019-08-05 03:45:20 UTC  

don't think about it

2019-08-05 03:45:39 UTC  

asexual in that they have no sexes

2019-08-05 03:46:09 UTC  

but they are specifically lesbians and represent women

2019-08-05 03:46:13 UTC  

but they have no sexes

2019-08-05 03:46:34 UTC  

Asxeual in biology isn't refering to being sexless

2019-08-05 03:46:55 UTC  

Yes I realise that

2019-08-05 03:46:59 UTC  

that's why I clarified

2019-08-05 03:47:13 UTC

2019-08-05 03:47:21 UTC  

wish E;R did a video about adventure time

2019-08-05 03:47:35 UTC  

to complete the triumvirate of the unholy kids shows

2019-08-05 03:47:37 UTC  

fuck censorship

2019-08-05 03:48:29 UTC  

fr*ick censorship

2019-08-05 03:50:39 UTC  

I refuse to use terms like asexual in the context the far left wishes me to, asexual is used in terms of asexual reproduction and nothing else, I loathe the misuse and obfuscation of language by the Far Left.

2019-08-05 03:51:15 UTC  

I have never heard the term asexual used in the way I used it, it was just my mistake

2019-08-05 03:51:55 UTC  

The Far Left use asexual to mean not being sexually attracted to anything or anyone

2019-08-05 03:52:01 UTC  


2019-08-05 03:52:09 UTC  

I loathe it

2019-08-05 03:52:12 UTC  


2019-08-05 03:52:15 UTC  

I get that

2019-08-05 03:52:17 UTC  

I understand

2019-08-05 03:52:24 UTC  

Do you understand that I understand

2019-08-05 03:52:27 UTC  

Because I do

2019-08-05 03:53:25 UTC  

Tried to swipe type "sexual" and damn ass shit phone gives me this (Samsung)

2019-08-05 03:53:29 UTC  


2019-08-05 03:53:52 UTC  

all one word

2019-08-05 03:54:09 UTC  

I just wanted to type sexual

2019-08-05 03:54:10 UTC  

Oh you want to be recognized as Pansexual??? Too bad pansexuality as it is used today is just Bisexuality while historical pansexuality meant being sexually attracted to literally everything, rocks? Sexy. Leprosy? Sexy. All that shit