Message from @Violetskies
Discord ID: 609875635791462431
and please for the love of god do not clip your skin with fingernail clippers
it leads to a downward spiral
@Violetskies and i care why?
I never said you cared
"did i ask you to speak"
"well thats *your* opinion"
Fuck your stupid drunk friend
literally this server tbh
I don't give a shit
he was just a rando
"i dont give a shit"
"stop talking to me in a public discord"
2late, guy fucked himself with a nail clipper.
@Some Fucking Leaf My first reaction to this whole shit show
It's fucking disgusting
who knows how many kids
who knows how many abusers
<:spurdo:500782204788670474> <:pepegun:588019479401726001> <:FuzzyPeach:583773935385182231>
Nail clipper to the foreskin
or scrotum for juden
Now that's BIG BRAIN
what a tune
Ephesians 5:11-12
Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret.
Nail clippers to your mum
It is connected
Coon Craft
film negative?