Message from @Eric TX
Discord ID: 332380699795521536
But seriously, did you know that it's considered good form to snap instead of clap because you might offend someone who's "differently able"?
Shit blows my mind.
How fucking queer.
Their redneck commie friends are quite interesting
Need to keep an eye on them
That surprised me, but maybe it shouldn't have.
I was a Commie in 9th grade because I didn't know the difference between one kind of authoritarianism and another. Plus they had nice aesthetics. Then I realized the economics were bad, and then I learned about the social policies of the whole thing and that modern leftism is all gay and everything I've ever hated. I learned that Fascism was closer suited to my style of Authoritarianism. That or National Socialism.
Q lot of hipsters moving to the country.
I was a senior or junior when I first read Hitler's speeches. That did it for me.
The rest fell into place.
Clay Higgins is like the most badass Representative ever.
Makes me proud to be from Louisiana.
@Tedium yeah, it seems like I was a junior or senior when I stopped being a Commie, and I was a generic Conservative for a while. Towards the end of my senior year I became a NatSoc
@Thomas Ryan That poster is great
Yeah same
Can we have this as one of our posters or flags?
Rape is a social construct tbh
and sure
It's stuck on ice checking
can't hear shit
oh well
restart computer?
No I can get into anticom servers
Try texas chat
Fucking rip
Did it tell you "You've gone AFK" or something?
Someone go to our site and check out the Contribute page
Let me know what you see
says it can't be found
Does the part show up at the top?