Message from @Thomas Ryan
Discord ID: 332386857281388556
@Thomas Ryan That poster is great
Yeah same
Can we have this as one of our posters or flags?
anybody wanna get in voice?
Rape is a social construct tbh
and sure
It's stuck on ice checking
can't hear shit
oh well
restart computer?
No I can get into anticom servers
Try texas chat
Fucking rip
Did it tell you "You've gone AFK" or something?
Someone go to our site and check out the Contribute page
Let me know what you see
says it can't be found
Does the part show up at the top?
But the option appears on the menu?
Yeah same
Try now?
Doesn't that new seal look fantastic?
K one moment. I'm gonna reboot
Nope what? The seal doesn't look good?
I got this
No contribute option.
Huh? 🤔 Where'd it go?
On a train to auschwitz
Ok now I have another song I have to convert. Lol
The page is not found