Message from @Tedium
Discord ID: 332391000410685440
Yeah same
Try now?
Doesn't that new seal look fantastic?
K one moment. I'm gonna reboot
Nope what? The seal doesn't look good?
I got this
No contribute option.
Huh? 🤔 Where'd it go?
On a train to auschwitz
Ok now I have another song I have to convert. Lol
The page is not found
That is what I meant by nope
Welp guess we'll never know
lol that's my favorite picture ever.
This is mine but everyone has their preferences.
No comment
I like this one
Should be a star of david, but the star of david is a meteor heading straight for the dinosaurs.
Goddamn i'm funny.
Yes it does
I like the new seal
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Turning into a police state down here
Yeah the cops are really bold down here
I avoid the shit out of them usually it takes 6 squad cars to pull over one person it's getting crazy
Yeah they use the time old excuse of "well we had nothing better to do so we all hoped over onto you" but we live in Florida you know good and damn well there are other things you can be doing
They sometimes even drive this monster tank ATC around just as a show of force yea like patrolling the niggers they still have quotas for arrests and tickets even though they say they don't the jail itself has to maintain at least 4 detainees to keep government grants there's a lot of shady stuff when you start looking into it
Exactly when I was younger I remember my father asked a bunch of cops showing off their atc why they needed it and they said "for your protection" bullshit it's not for our protection you just want a cool looking vehicle that's threatening as hell