Message from @RCO Nick-TX
Discord ID: 320714660250648576
Guess what?
THere's a third attack
fuck my life
We need to do whatever possible to make muzzies feel unwelcome here
All semites need to feel unwelcome
The police have their hands tied don't they
In Europe? You better believe it
I feel marawi was a trial run
What's up
They fucking told us they were going to do it!
That's what pisses me off so much.
They hate our fucking guts and we defend them at every turn.
This is my tweet. I am beyond sick of fighting these fuckers. I did it for 12 years to no avail.
This shit is blackpilling me hardcore
Bunch of suicidal fucks that don't give a fuck about their wellbeing.
They are trying to get me and mine killed as well
I'm watching Fox News who is streaming Sky News and almost every fucking reporter is a damn haji or street shitter. The very people feeding our information to us are the very people who wish us dead.
Did you know that, as of the 2010 census, men were like 49.2% of the US? So technically, males are a minority.
(((They))) knew
We should get a building like this in N.Y.
Turn it into a fortresss and clean the streets.
Judge Dredd style, eh?
Is that the real Tom Hanks?
Sick @Thomas Ryan
So y'all know how I have that bad habit?
So y'all know how I have that bad habit?
You'll have to be more specific
The one where I hoard weapons.
Oh hahahahaha, yeah that one @Chris7577TX