Message from @Tedium
Discord ID: 328039233014988803
I'm glad you know it was the right decision. You're right. You don't have to spend money so send your intent to the universe. I agree.
I'm pretty against mysticism and magic and shit like that
That's cool, Nathan.
I'm against most practitioners.
They are mostly all pretentious assholes.
Lots of that shit is like demonic and crap
best not to play around with stuff we don't really understand, can bring about bad things
I think anything that gives a platform to pretentious assholes is bad.
That wasn't meant toward any pagans here. Just been my general experience.
I'm sure the only pretentious asshole here is me.
I feel you, no offense taken.
I mean it's all subjective anyway and where ever the rabbit hole leads is where you'll end up.
See? But it's not subjective.
That's Post-modern, cultural marxism.
What is?
There will be a national, coordinated postering day on the 15th. You will work with your local groups under your State Commander or Regional Commander.
Good locations include:
Urban centers
Bus Stops
And more.
Do not break any laws, do it either on the 15th itself or the night of the 14th. We want participation out of every state to gain the most coverage and attention.
Saying it's all subjective.
How so? I'm not being condescending but genuinely asking how
Because, saying it's all subjective ignores the concreteness of reality and fact.
It reduces truth to whatever you choose it to mean.
Well yeah. I mean I agree with that but I'm talking more about
The typical Christian who isn't well versed in mythology and ancient religions would typically find norse paganism, for example, to be "devil worship"
When in reality, if you follow a folkish path, it's pretty righteous and doesn't .. what's the word
It's seperate. Idk what I'm trying to explain but I agree with you. Lol.
Yeah, I don't know what I'm trying to explain either.
I'm overeducated and underwifed.
It's a terrible combination.
Haha, a big account is running with it:
When is the deadline cause my friends won't get paid until next week
For what? @Fox Tx
For donations @Vice Commander Hunt
Probably like a day or two before the event just to make sure the bank has time to process it
Okay . I'm just passing the offering plate around
I'm going to donate some money on Sunday