Message from @leavethisbotnet

Discord ID: 620659997625286675

2019-09-09 10:42:24 UTC  

they dont even so much as mention china

2019-09-09 10:42:46 UTC  

for negotiation, or summits, or scientific collaboration

2019-09-09 10:42:54 UTC  

save for perhaps some sort of international agreement which is impossible for the usa to hold themselves to as the country is not agreement capable

2019-09-09 10:42:57 UTC  

the fact they dont MENTION it, is suspicious as all hell

2019-09-09 10:44:19 UTC  

the only thing they could realistically do is unilaterally demand that china cripple its own economy while offering nothing in return

2019-09-09 10:45:04 UTC  

usa doesn't have the central coherence to hold itself to long term international agreements covering major policy issues beyond perhaps a select few issues (climate change i think is not one of them)

2019-09-09 14:36:07 UTC  

Climate change has always been swept under the rug by governments it seems. I've been on the spectrum that believes its a thing, but it seems most are too blinded by greed to do something about it.

2019-09-09 14:40:33 UTC  

Damn you're gullible enough to think China, the world producer of lithium batteries amd solar panels, is a greener country than the US? You know how much plastics they dump in the Ocean? All those empty cities they built? China isn't remotely green and never will be and pretending they are plays into the hands of those who want to cripple the US economy over faux climate concerns to lower its global and economic power. Why was China and India, world's top polluting countries, completely absolved of involvement in the Paris agreements? (Not that was anything other than a paper telling America to fuck off)

2019-09-09 14:41:24 UTC  

Climate change is a fake issue to control people through diet, lifestyle, and leisure time. Eat bugs, don't have kids, stop driving cars. Its the most blatant shit and has been tried since the 70s

2019-09-09 14:42:37 UTC  

There is nothing humans have ever done that the planet's ecosystem doesn't attempt to compensate for over time. It was hotter and higher CO2 in the medical times, and CO2 isn't even a real greenhouse gas compared to N2 and water vapor in its actual effect

2019-09-09 14:44:16 UTC  

We're headed for grand solar minimum and it will get fucking cold the next half century. The ionosphere is the weakest it has ever been, and that may be due to all of our satilettes and communications networks, but I can't say for sure. But a weaker ionosphere means greater cosmic radiation hitting the earth which will effect seismic and volcanic activity

2019-09-09 14:45:05 UTC  

Don't believe the hoax trying to control your life.

2019-09-09 14:45:48 UTC  

Recycle and be environmentally mindful sure. Keep things green and healthy for a lot more than just the climate's sake. But there is absolutely existential crisis.

2019-09-09 14:46:16 UTC  

There's a lot of psychological and physical well-being in being surrounded by nature

2019-09-09 15:16:36 UTC  

My last two brain cells died reading the above<:why:462286147473637407>

2019-09-09 15:22:55 UTC  

While it's true that the medieval warm period doesn't compare, it must be pointed out that solar activity has been higher during the past 100 years than during the medieval warm period (in fact, it hasn't been this high at least since the end of Younger Dryas ~11k years ago).

2019-09-09 15:24:46 UTC  

Not only that, volcanic activity is also at record low, if we look at long term trends (that is, 1000s rather than mere 100s of years)

2019-09-09 16:39:12 UTC  

@Αγωνιζῆς Yeah, it was pretty retarded.

2019-09-09 16:40:05 UTC  

It's funny how conservatives are "facts don't care about your feelings" and simultaneously God exists but science does not.... that or "science proves God".

2019-09-09 16:41:00 UTC  

On top of that, they cry about how pro-lifers are celebrating their abortions. As if that attitude of intentionally being monsters just to piss off the other side was not present on conservative side as well:

2019-09-09 16:41:14 UTC  

That's a lazy strawman

2019-09-09 16:42:34 UTC  

@leavethisbotnet What? Do you say this is not political?

2019-09-09 16:42:58 UTC  

btw if you want a reasonable take in climate change, watch this

2019-09-09 16:43:04 UTC  

*take on

2019-09-09 16:43:38 UTC  

And "leftists want to chop off boys cocks and pump little girls full of testosterone"

2019-09-09 16:43:57 UTC  

So do conservatives. Go ask Shapiro on circumcision.

2019-09-09 16:43:59 UTC  

That's about the level of discourse in your post

2019-09-09 16:45:03 UTC  

I don't think conservatives have a leg to stand on "you don't have to provocate just because you have the liberty". Conservatives provocate.

2019-09-09 16:45:13 UTC  

>circumcision is the same as chemical sterilization of complete removal of cock and balls

2019-09-09 16:45:14 UTC  

yeah, sure

2019-09-09 16:45:26 UTC  

Leftist brag about abortions, and conservatives pollute for the sake of polluting just to piss leftists off.

2019-09-09 16:45:49 UTC  

They don't even get horsepower out of those diesel smokers. Their only purpose is to **POLLUTE**.

2019-09-09 16:46:23 UTC  

You need bigger turbos to get more air if you want more power. Only increasing fuel will not give horsepower but increase smoking.

2019-09-09 16:47:08 UTC  

these guys aren't representative of the right, just like genderfluid trannies aren't representative of the left

2019-09-09 16:49:32 UTC  

btw I really recommend watching the video above I posted.
Shows that not all people sceptical of current mainstream climate science are anti science or cherrypicking.

2019-09-09 16:51:31 UTC  

I know. There's critique toward current mainstream climate "science" most of which is political interpretation, and I have much disagreement with globalist and socialist solutions to the problem.

2019-09-09 16:52:26 UTC  

For example, every western country wants to be the trailblazer on "green", but they aren't putting tariffs on Chinese imports that don't conform to similar limitations on pollution.

2019-09-09 16:53:19 UTC  

Everything on CO2 fighting is increasing socialism and bureaucracy in the west, while being a cash and employment transfer to China.

2019-09-09 16:54:57 UTC  

There's a _lot_ of underlying political bullshit yeah. There's more than that though. Lot of new and interesting science on that channel.

2019-09-09 16:55:20 UTC  

But... I just need to call out the hypocrisy of conservatives thinking the left is only gloating with their liberties. When so many people in the center say they are "regretfully pro-choice" or turning outright pro-life, why aren't rightwingers and centrist turning "regretfully environmentalist" because of coal rollers and other rightwing lunatics? Why is this only working against the left?