Message from @juts kill nme

Discord ID: 616452545560313881

2019-08-28 22:52:46 UTC  

Well as to 'American Imperialism' it doesn't really exist. A bit of history here prior to WWII there was a sequestered impreial system. Various European empires controled subject states and built independent trade networks supported by national navies. After WWII America set up a convention at Bretton Woods in which they offered a better deal. One navy, the largest most powerful ever to be built, would cover **all** trade routes, everywhere. Because it was owned by the largest industrial power on the planet conveniently located between the Atlantic and Pacific. The entry cost was being on our side and letting us run the cold war.

You might notice that America does not much use this trade network. Global trade accounts for about 15% of our GDP and 2/3rds of that is Mexico and Canada. So either our colonies are incredibly poorly managed or we are not an Empire.

Next your odd notions on Assad. He can't retire. Too many people want to kill him. He is in the one place his personal safety is insured. Nor did he 'defeat' America. We did some experiments with this and we know what it would take to crush a ME military. Even if it is one of the largest on the planet. It's a few billion dollars and a couple weeks. You could say we are complete shit at nation building and I would heartily agree with you. But if we wanted to war with Syria it would be very breif and decisive (after which we would completely fumble the occupation because we really are shit at that sort of thing).

2019-08-29 00:32:14 UTC  

We're not so bad at occupation, really. It's the culture of the Middle East that wrecks __any__ attempts to civilize the place, especially after a major war. Islam plays the largest part, what with its compuslive need to control every tiny little thing, but beyond that, the people there do not share information and knowledge lightly, if at all. The culture Islam created in that region, kept suppressed and ignorant for 1400 years, is barbaric, and sadly it produces barbaric people.

2019-08-29 01:17:47 UTC  

do you think Trimps presidency is over? I mean all it would take for the demonrats would be someone that could talk sense with the CGI wire removal enabled and no puppeteer arm up their asses and he would be gone.
even the infowar gun girl was saying she doesnt support trimp no more and shes arguing with the pirate guy online

2019-08-29 01:18:23 UTC  

No. He's got far more winning to do. He'll win 2020 and get tons of congressional support.

2019-08-29 01:19:24 UTC  

What about Trump?

2019-08-29 01:52:20 UTC  

It's actually funny

2019-08-29 01:52:41 UTC  

An honest, sophisticated anti-Trump campaign would be about his countless lies

2019-08-29 01:52:48 UTC  

But they can't do that for two reasons

2019-08-29 01:53:30 UTC  

One, people are bad at nuance, or they worship Trump, either way it won't work on them.

2019-08-29 01:53:57 UTC  

Two, if they start talking about his lies, there will be an equally powerful counter campaign exposing their lies as well

2019-08-29 01:54:28 UTC  

I think this would be some sort of advanced Streisand effect

2019-08-29 01:55:42 UTC  

So what holes can they poke into Trump? The fact that he didn't manage to start building the wall yet (only private companies have done so) should be one, but for some reason they don't focus on that.

2019-08-29 01:56:16 UTC  

Maybe because of the same issue: if they reveal that he didn't start building it, people will point out that private companies have started, and with huge success

2019-08-29 01:56:39 UTC  

So another example of this advanced Streisand effect that I have no better term for

2019-08-29 01:57:14 UTC  

So they can't reveal anything that would also reveal another thing that goes against their own narrative

2019-08-29 01:57:34 UTC  

Therefore they now focus instead on Trump's racism, because it's the only thing where they can actually get brownie points

2019-08-29 01:57:54 UTC  

It's still lies of course, but it's the only thing that won't backfire

2019-08-29 02:00:09 UTC  

So I guess the real reason the Dems aren't favorites to win in 2020 is simple: they have as much dirt on themselves as the Reps, including Trump

2019-08-29 02:00:57 UTC  

And the final nail in the coffin will be the fact that they'll likely push Tulsi out

2019-08-29 02:01:38 UTC  

She's the only one who as we can see at least has her heart in the right place (being pro-America), same as Trump. But being pro-America is not the current Dem narrative.

2019-08-29 02:02:19 UTC  

The whole play is the most transparent Kabuki Theatre i have ever seen, it makes a mockery of existence

2019-08-29 02:02:40 UTC  

What's a Kabuki Theatre, sounds dirty 😄

2019-08-29 02:03:00 UTC  

its about masks or sumfin

2019-08-29 02:03:59 UTC  

Oh you mean because no one wants to reveal their cards, instead of playing it straight forward like Tulsi

2019-08-29 02:04:08 UTC  

Kabuki Theatre is a very over-the-top, very stylised form of theatre from Japan.

2019-08-29 02:04:17 UTC  

I guess Trump is playing it straight forward, too. But he's a liar, unlike Tulsi, so I don't know what to call him.

2019-08-29 02:04:33 UTC  

A patriotic agent of chaos I guess.

2019-08-29 02:05:14 UTC  


2019-08-29 02:05:35 UTC  

Layers of layers of secrecy basically?

2019-08-29 02:06:37 UTC  

Yeah idk seems like a weird comparison but I think I get the idea

2019-08-29 02:06:49 UTC  

i time stmaped that one

2019-08-29 02:07:02 UTC  

its a good line - the actors are not real people , they are spirits or wraits

2019-08-29 02:09:47 UTC  

The stereotypical media depiction of ninja as black-clad ultra badasses partially comes from Kabuki. In Kabuki, the stagehands are clad in black, and will come on stage in order to move around the scenery. In Kabuki plays, ninja are black-clad in order to blend in with the stagehands, and thus, when an assassination occurs onstage, it's a complete surprise.

2019-08-29 02:10:32 UTC  

So basically the politicians play to people's ideas of who they are, and try to form people's ideas this way, instead of simply revealing who they really are

2019-08-29 02:10:45 UTC  

i guess i meant noh theatre, and i guess it comes with the political territory to have to act in a certain way

2019-08-29 02:10:57 UTC  

comes off as disingenuous though

2019-08-29 02:11:09 UTC  

Yeah like PC language

2019-08-29 02:11:13 UTC  

you can't please everyone

2019-08-29 02:11:31 UTC  

Yes, definitely. Especially because Noh is much more subdued and subtle in style compared to Kabuki.