Message from @Kaiser Pepsi Man
Discord ID: 621316733017522186
The leftists found the meme generator and asolutely failed at understanding anything.
i love all of it
This Whole thing about muslims in the UK reminds me alot of how people where to italians and irish in the US
Except it's nothing alike
ya except the italian and irish didnt kill gays
and destroy all other cultures
islam tho
you enjoy the diverness
i hea rits your strength
Implying Catholics didn't kill gays or destroy other cultures
ya get rid of those pesky catholics
Implying Modern Catholics do that now
islam is much better
I agree
its gonna work out for the LGBT
i dont want it to stop
im not arguing any of this
I think its fantastic
Catholicism over Islam anyday, bring back thr Crusades
you ever had a conversation with one?
I dont speak goat fucking language
you keep them over there tho
your doing a grea tjob EU
Yes, they don't allow their wife outside and only shop after 10pm so they don't have to see scantily clad women in stores @Kaiser Pepsi Man
The ones you'll meet most of the time, yes, @Kaiser Pepsi Man.
Sound like vampires.
One generation later, and they're practically atheists.
His kids aren't allowed to play with other kids
That's just my anecdotal experience, however, @Kaiser Pepsi Man.
He homeschools them
The real threat is the communists
China is very good at espionage
There aren't many militant commies in my City, they get beaten up, there are however many radical islamists
They have basically removed democracy in part from most of the Pacific and south east asia
im sure as a weeb gay man your safe