Message from @AgentExeider
Discord ID: 620467499682627586
So even though I pay my taxes, my wife works and pays her taxes, I pay an extra $700 a month for medical insurance, 15 a month for dental for her and myself, the fact that I have to bite the bullet and take social assitance for my new son makes no longer a Net Tax Payer?
however, if you're paying a large sum of taxes maybe you are a NTP
I assume, once your son grows up and no longer needs the assistance, you'll definitely be a NTP
I'm pretty sure despite that, I already am an NTP
I've paid alot of money to a government that I know is corrupt, with money I know doesnt even pay for the roads going directly into the pockets of private globalist bankers
my current worry is that there won't BE a world for my son to grow up in
that he might be the first in a new generation that will basically be living Fallout style
I sent an image to you directly, did you get it? how old is your son, if you don't mind me asking
6 weeks
im kinda worried about if there'll be a world in the near future too
hell at the rate it's speeding up **I** might be seeing it
and if Ron Perlman shows up to narriate, we're really fucked
yep yep
Because war..... War never changes....
Hello everypony!
@AgentExeider I have a video for you to watch if you'd like? since I'm not exactly an expert on American politics and feel it'd be better if it was explained by someone a lot better at explaining than me. It even has @AydinPaladin
I forgot the US annexes Canada
Retard. This has been known since at least fallout 3.
oh that was fallout 1 they said that
Ron says it in the intro
I just noted in a related thought I never did finish Fallout 4
Never played 1 or 2 so I wouldn't know. Just doing from what I knew. Ah
anywho, I gotta go goodbye frens
Oh boy I can't wait to play that new capital wasteland mo- Oh..
Why Todd ;-;
War is always changing, @AgentExeider.
I didn't realize Undoomed was here as well.
@Venerable Enginseer Jaqus-C93 tale of two wastelands mod ftw
It basically merges the stories of the vault dweller from 101 with the courier from new vegas
What's up niggers
@AgentExeider, if you desire lowered taxation, then vote for candidates looking toward auctioning off those inefficiently managed, public assets, to create more jobs, new markets, and eliminating the unionist leeches, who like the scum they are, syphon off every dollar you'll pay throughout the year, during a workday in which they're paid for 12 hours of labor, though only engage in 1 hour. Once people relearn these lessons we've had to observe time and again, the current account deficits, of which artificially inflate the value of the USD, would be resolved, thereby making our goods and services more affordable to foreign consumers, propping up domestic industry and slashing foreign reliance. However, this weakens our reserve status, as current account deficits are required for banks to have an interest in holding your debt and dollars in reserve, because you obviously must finance it.
@Jeremy we are nothing but a nation of debt at this point lmao
But muh federal reserve
I wouldn't go as far as saying that. We do have a large national debt, but it won't be defaulted on.
Debt has a different meaning everywhere you go.
Whether or not the debts owed are toward efficient investments justifying the former is the question.
By definition the debt cannot be paid back