Message from @Jeremy
Discord ID: 620502807736221696
Trump has more energy than I have.
And you can see from his more recent golfing photos he’s really skimmed out.
according to Joe Rogaine Trump's on adderall and that's why he has so much energy
I don't know how he deals with the politics of today.
Trump is the politics of today
At most, I can only engage for a few months, then I have to take my leave for a while.
Yeah, but I'm referencing the mainstream media and the left, which may as well be synonymous with one another.
wtf that lad is made of iron hams
Is that really his chef?
I know. He’s a god amongst men.
That’s what I found online
Looks like Ronnie Coleman
I didn’t look into it too far
But it’s what came up when I looked for it
Andre Rush has been a chef at the White House since 1997, apparently.
I bet he tenderises meat with just one slap
Trump is in good hands.
That's a great example of government entrenchment, but he is a rather loyal and patriotic veteran.
Any man with those gains deserves respect.
No doubt.
what’s up
I am but a manlet in awe at the size of that lad.
I’m a womanlet but who’s size should I look at
I type in meat tenderizer, and this is what I came up with.
is it like filled with maggots or what
ah fuck the pulsing meat video
being electrocuted?
No it’s just electrocuted I think
Yeah, I can't say I've ever seen anything like that before.
nah it's just *super* fresh and got salt on it i think
Yeah, that makes sense, Philo.
when you pour salt on the fresh meat it can start contracting
it is normal