Message from @Reprehensibletrash

Discord ID: 615303108452679709

2019-08-25 21:53:33 UTC  


2019-08-25 21:53:37 UTC  

whip a fully armored knight

2019-08-25 21:53:39 UTC  


2019-08-25 21:53:39 UTC  

you get to tired to move

2019-08-25 21:53:42 UTC  

after like 3 bouts

2019-08-25 21:53:48 UTC  

it wasnt used against fully armored knights

2019-08-25 21:53:50 UTC  

whip literally anybody with a spine

2019-08-25 21:53:53 UTC  


2019-08-25 21:53:56 UTC  

o u fuckin niggers im done with u

2019-08-25 21:53:59 UTC  

@Reprehensibletrash i dunno, last session was last week

2019-08-25 21:54:00 UTC  

gets off his horse and beats you to death with his gaulted fist

2019-08-25 21:54:05 UTC  

they will go "oi cunt" take 3 tsteps towards you and punch your nose in

2019-08-25 21:54:08 UTC  

yeah @Tato fuck off

2019-08-25 21:54:29 UTC  

id whip ur ass with pleasure to make u understand how effective it is

2019-08-25 21:54:38 UTC  

dis nig

2019-08-25 21:54:39 UTC  

but i cant do that so fuck off

2019-08-25 21:54:43 UTC  

@Lucienne d'Anwyl A set of full plate armor weighted about as much as a modern infantry soldier's full gear does. AND it was spread evenly across the whole body, so it was easier to move in. You could run, jump, climb, roll and even somersault in full plate.

2019-08-25 21:54:45 UTC  


2019-08-25 21:54:48 UTC  

Wait, so you're telling me you're a "chick" who's a lesbian, plays 40k, shitframe, and does medieval kendo

2019-08-25 21:54:50 UTC  

his fetish is seeping thru

2019-08-25 21:54:52 UTC  


2019-08-25 21:55:06 UTC  

And you're not asioid?

2019-08-25 21:55:13 UTC  

We get it Tato you have a whip fetish

2019-08-25 21:55:22 UTC  


2019-08-25 21:55:32 UTC  

yes daddy tato whip me

2019-08-25 21:55:34 UTC  
2019-08-25 21:55:37 UTC  

im pretty sure you get one attempt to nail the guy in the eye

2019-08-25 21:55:41 UTC  

after that ur fucked

2019-08-25 21:55:50 UTC  

I'm having a big think

2019-08-25 21:56:02 UTC  

and even if you got the eye, you are getting fucked still

2019-08-25 21:56:05 UTC  

maybe the temple/nuts or something assuming the guy had no protection

2019-08-25 21:56:08 UTC  
2019-08-25 21:56:24 UTC  

ehhhh maybe 50/50 id imagine some people passing out/staggering very hard from the pain

2019-08-25 21:56:33 UTC  

some would adrenaline thru it

2019-08-25 21:56:41 UTC  

@Lucienne d'Anwyl nigger send me yer balls

2019-08-25 21:56:46 UTC  

any dumbass peasant levie with a spear would kill what retard comes at him with a whip

2019-08-25 21:57:16 UTC  

@Kealor And the rest would power through it knowing the axe in their hand is going to end the pain instantly because you can't fight back in close combat with a fucking whip lmao

2019-08-25 21:57:35 UTC  

lol maybe some kind of tism where you have the whip for one 2-3m ish shot, vs un-armoured, 1v1 with enmy having no long range weapon, then immediately drop it

2019-08-25 21:57:56 UTC  

assuming the guy is caught unawares/he isnt attackign you directly

2019-08-25 21:58:00 UTC  

pretty tismy tho

2019-08-25 21:58:41 UTC  

Whips are pointless in themselves, unless your target isn't aware of you, and has no defenses at all