Message from @Spooky Melon
Discord ID: 621804661543796737
A dude that made tractors decided that he does not like how ferrari is made and made a "better ferrari"
Mad lad
tractor + ferrari?
I knew it was only a matter of time, Weez.
```“I know this fetish. My girlfriend and me have the same fetish. My girlfriend enjoys her pregnancies and she enjoys the abortion. Her preferred date to abort is between 20 and 24 weeks of gestation.```
Breed me daddies ❤
That, and disproportionate abortions of males.
Lambo is so italian it was made in Sant'Agata Bolognese
sounds like the best think since mounting a high capacity F-15 25 cal onto a prius
Alfa Romeo is annoyed
Kimi Raikkonen drives an Alfa therefore Alfa Romeo are great
@Uksio Linguistically it is indeed Germanic. Vocabulary is different from linguistic lineage.
re🅱ost for fun
loud grunting noises
Live Well; Die Slowly
i mean, shit...
the balls on that guy
None of you wanted to breed me 😦
thats true
i am sure there is a muslim rape gang with interest
It’s a joke because I’m infertile
"The real burned offering is gonna be all the jews who don't believe in jesus christ who are all going to burn in hell. thats the real oven"
Get nae nae’d
not real funny joke
kinda sad
life is a joke so its okay
Ferruccio Lamborghini was a wealthy man who owned several businesses, one of which was a tractor factory for farming needs
He also owned several Ferraris, none of which satisfied him
He went to Enzo, and asked to make a car for him
Enzo got angry at him "how dare some pleb say that my car is not perfect", ending it with a "if you don't like it, make your own"
Ferruccio took those words to heart
And actually made his own
It was not better than a Ferrari, but Ferruccio implemented everything he wanted
@Al Capwned, but with their luck, SATAN would be a JEW
Lambo was born out of a pissing contest
Because that's how italians work
I've seen him before, just dont watch him outside of memes