Message from @BrandonChimaria (。◕‿◕。✿)

Discord ID: 634829495689412609

2019-10-18 17:51:51 UTC  

which counts as a sort of "including but not limited to" statement

2019-10-18 17:51:56 UTC  

is if they have basic cognition

2019-10-18 17:52:02 UTC  

act like basic human beings

2019-10-18 17:52:12 UTC  

they have the capability and expectation of willpower

2019-10-18 17:53:15 UTC  

The argument most used to justify persecution of pedos is "self restraint" and "willpower over natural attraction"
I just fear these arguments being used against me for things like transsexuals and same sex attraction.

2019-10-18 17:54:39 UTC  

Nothing about how we treat pedos is consitant with how we wish to be treated about transsexuals. (Generally)

2019-10-18 17:54:43 UTC  

mostly if you just try to justify your situation

2019-10-18 17:55:04 UTC  

and say there is nothing weird or problematic about it

2019-10-18 17:56:15 UTC  

Ya, but i don't care what irrational people would think about a conversation i am having with what appears to be a rational person

2019-10-18 17:57:31 UTC  


2019-10-18 17:58:29 UTC  

sounded like you were about to make a "though dost protest to much" argument

2019-10-18 17:58:47 UTC  

Are you defining pedophilia as attraction to minors or attraction to prepubescents?

2019-10-18 17:58:56 UTC  

mark my words your arguments will be used against you to justify something you hate

2019-10-18 17:59:56 UTC  

If you call a child "cute" or "adorable" then you to might be a pedophile.

2019-10-18 18:02:20 UTC  

@Wizard_of_The_West I guess Jordan Peterson is a paedophile then

2019-10-18 18:05:22 UTC  

It still isnt clear how your defining it.

2019-10-18 18:05:37 UTC  

How can you debate something without a clear definition?

2019-10-18 18:12:42 UTC  

My point is attraction is subjective to another persons perspective.

2019-10-18 18:22:31 UTC  

To me it didn't matter how he difined it.
The important part was the arguments used to justify his position.
Even if "pedo" to him ment "someone attracted to an adult" my position wouldn't change.
Arguments from position of "just controll it bro... willpower dude" will be used to justify even more things i disagree with.

2019-10-18 18:36:33 UTC

2019-10-18 19:05:46 UTC  

#SaggyBoobsMatter: This Movement Encourages Women To Love Their Saggy Boobs

2019-10-18 19:06:24 UTC  

Hillary Clinton says Tulsi Gabbard is a 'Russian asset' groomed to ensure Trump reelection

2019-10-18 19:07:10 UTC  

'Dad stop the burning, I beg you': Horrifying footage reveals badly-burned Kurdish children in Syria amid claims Turkey is using banned weapons such as napalm and white phosphorus
> <>

2019-10-18 19:07:44 UTC  

Trudeau could lose power in Canada’s election Monday

2019-10-18 19:08:05 UTC  

@Wizard_of_The_West You have to make sure to differentiate between normal and sexual attraction; as attraction to the sport of football does not mean that one is in favour of promiscuous-activities with players.

2019-10-18 19:26:39 UTC  

Something that might interest you:
Last week, an Israeli tourist, who was on connection from India to Israel via Mosco and, was arrested 6 months ago, sentenced for 7.5 years in prison due to "drug trafficking" of... 9.5 grams of Grass, this punishment is unusually severe for such offense.
Apperantly, there's a Russian hacker which is under custody in Israel which US want to be extradited due to cyber crimes (which includes a couple of millions of Euros apperantly), he's extraditable according to laws, the Russians want him back (due to his talents).
Coincidence? Probably not, the entire thing sounds like a Russian ploy to get the hacker back, probably is because they've, allegedly ,already suggested to do "prisoners exchange" with him and the girl (the tourist).

2019-10-18 19:32:23 UTC  

Well it seems like something the USA would definitely do if the moment was opportune.

2019-10-18 19:32:37 UTC  

International game of thrones 'n sheeeiiit

2019-10-18 19:32:53 UTC  

Eh, I'm pretty sure that their judiciary is independent...

2019-10-18 19:33:05 UTC  

Unlike the Russian one...

2019-10-18 19:33:27 UTC  

You really think the USA wouldn't pull strings with all the different government bodies and administrations?

2019-10-18 19:33:58 UTC  

Not to mention that she was never meant to be arrested because she never entered Russia

2019-10-18 19:34:08 UTC  

She was on connection

2019-10-18 19:35:05 UTC  

The amount of dodgy shit the USA has done to its own citizens wouldn't make me think on the matter much.
Russians would probably justify it on a "she was in our country between flights, therefore she broke our laws whilst on-route."

2019-10-18 19:35:23 UTC  

They can't do that

2019-10-18 19:35:34 UTC  

There are very clear international laws

2019-10-18 19:36:35 UTC  

As long as the person didn't went through passport check, they are not legally on the country and can not be arrested by the country's law enforcement

2019-10-18 19:36:53 UTC  

USA and Russia don't follow international laws when it suits them; key-examples being Middle-Eastern invasions and terrorist supplying/training.

2019-10-18 19:37:11 UTC  

In this case they usually are

2019-10-18 19:37:14 UTC  


2019-10-18 19:37:22 UTC  

"They're more like guidelines, anyway."