Message from @Eirshy
Discord ID: 634520377904594993
wonder if well-endowed women can rub their tits together for warmth
Everyone can rub their skin together for warmth. If you're cold, get naked under a cover or in a sleeping bag together.
This is real info for not fucking dying in the cold.
guess I'm fucked if a deep freeze comes along
It's okay, it only matters for people of value
:^ )
Sounds pretty ghey to me
also important to know
I took that.
Alcohol does not warm you up, it merely makes you feel warmer.
In fact, it will actually cause you to cool off *faster*, as it increases (or rather, prevents the decreasing of) blood flow to your extremities.
Advantage to that, however, is that if rescue is imminent it can help prevent tissue damage to said extremities.
We have much for confirmation that that was the letter?
wtf, where's my text
fuckin gimp
Courage the Cowardly Dog needs a remaster
or at least a reboot
re something god damn it
tfw I've actually said exactly one of those
There are times where the censored costume is superior to the uncensored version
more for the imagination
there was a special edit of Hot Fuzz in the special features
where they reaplced expletive words with safe ones
made it funnier