Message from @Fanny Anzai * Dr.Owlet
Discord ID: 634690666231758869
Speak for yourself
Most want to kill you, because you're not white @Fanny Anzai * Dr.Owlet
Ethnonationalism is big gay
We mostly operate on calling each other names, but that could work too <:thinkgon:560211224923734026>
I don't honestly care about your race. I'd like to kill you because you look straight.
This is obviously bait
I bought the Pepe hat to use sometimes on my Twitch, I just started streaming a week ago
So far 2/3 women here I've met are gay so if your gay 3/4ths of females that watch Sargon are gay, imao
Fuckin imbeciles stop drooling over nonexistent pussy its a bait
Oh shit is this a marketing campaign
Are you trying to advertise your twitch channel Fanny?
I'm straight
Proud one
Okay so its 2 for 2 then
Like Sargon for years
Have a daughter
Went to the straight pride parade?
How much for your kid?
We must build a wall out of bacon and get the mutts to pay for it
I'm willing to go as high as 200 bucks
My husband and I are big fans of Sargon and we have a lot in common with him I guess
Have you considered eating your baby?
I would
Don't eat the baby, sell it
<:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> @Cryosite
You will never be that. @Danacrag
Don't sell it
its the only way we will survive
Stop thinking you could be or are.
Get help.
Asian child market is already really low