Message from @n0ne0ther
Discord ID: 615312166718799893
In normal there's still a one in 2 chance the villager dies
and in easy there's no chance for the villager to be converted
Sod off
I'd say sure to Normal, but certainly not Hard
I don't want starvation death, mobs doign a tonne of damage and zombies smashin in doors
Just because you and 007 want better loot from your farms
How is starvation a problem for you??
Not yet
I hope we get them when 1.15 comes out
@Cybel without the bees, i aint paying your fucking Cooper Tax
come and take it
give us the *B E E S*
how are any of those things problems for you ardith??
Even if zombies threaten to break a door you just fucking kill them
@Timeward Control the calamity that is your mammaries...
and now there are no monsters spawning
Timeward just wants everyone to serve him
Oof. No not right now ya boy is fucked up. That looks dope though.
Minecraft bees.
They know forestry exists... right?
yes but forestry bees arent big mobs
yeah, they're taking a bit of a different approach
to say the least
Of course they know forestry exists.
Where did you think they got the idea from?
This is why we need space force?
nah, its actually just a good example of why humans need rest to remain efficient
`The 84-day mission was Skylab's last crew, and last time American astronauts set foot in a space station for two decades, until Shuttle–Mir in the 1990s. `
So that's when the manned space program stopped
It's like MOON! SPACE! -twenty years of nothing-