Message from @The_guy in the shadows

Discord ID: 619270425507004439

2019-09-05 20:07:40 UTC  

So essentially a mass form of eugenics is what you support?@The_guy in the shadows

2019-09-05 20:07:51 UTC  

yeah man made climate change is the biggest scam since socialism

2019-09-05 20:07:59 UTC  

the fuck did i just read

2019-09-05 20:08:25 UTC  

I think it's far too based in conspiracies to say that the world is led by Satanic Cults

2019-09-05 20:08:50 UTC  

but seriously if we are talking about Africa they are fucked resource wise since population wise they are going to explode

2019-09-05 20:08:53 UTC  

I don't really think that, that is the case

2019-09-05 20:13:42 UTC  

that's the thing no one knows for those who come close to an clue, dissapears or get assasinated in secret, why do you think sawn layden got laid off and julian assange, got arrested, for trying to cover and get some info out of the govr.

2019-09-05 20:14:13 UTC  

What is your evidence for these supposed cults that run the world?

2019-09-05 20:15:15 UTC  

all these conspiracy bs was noting i was intersted in at all until they fucked up entertainemnt and so on and began mass censorship on the web on like everything.

2019-09-05 20:16:34 UTC  

dont ask me i dont know, so far there is noting but nagativity that pops out, so i dont know.

2019-09-05 20:17:10 UTC  

Those are bad things sure especially the censorship, But it is not the result of a secretive group plotting the downfall of mankind

2019-09-05 20:19:49 UTC  

now what about you what do you think is happening sense you ask me all them questions, if its not evil ppl that is running things.

2019-09-05 20:20:57 UTC  

It is the result of a few stupid people and a few power hungry people in government

2019-09-05 20:26:49 UTC  

yup and what happens when you say anything agianst them the get triggerd and then spam all day log how they have rights and that they demand censorhip and ban each and everyone that they do not like, dude wasnt that the thing they did not want and said and claimed that the web was for everyone and was# open, sems like that aint the case anymore.

2019-09-05 20:27:44 UTC  

That's because of some stupid and overly virtuous people not the work of a secret group or cult.

2019-09-05 20:33:29 UTC  

id say 50/50 on that one, yes and no, for so far the damage may even have been done aloong time ago that was ploted agianst the smart ppl, so they breeded a shit ton of retarded ppl to overtrow the normal ones so far. just like in the james bond moive spectre: the women in the round table said that they are wining, so far it seems that way that the hidden organisation that seeks out to wipe out the normal clean and smart ppl are wining.

2019-09-05 20:37:07 UTC  

Let me ask you this, If there was this secret group, Why would they try to damage mankind by wiping out smart people, How would they benefit from it?

2019-09-05 20:37:29 UTC  

they wouldn't thats why they dont exist<:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-09-05 20:37:40 UTC  

to introduce the motivation of "evil" is needlessly partisan. you're gonna be hard pressed to find evidence the most wealthy and influential people in society are simultaneously interested in the malicious destruction of the very society that allowed them to grow and prosper

2019-09-05 20:38:21 UTC  

selfishness and narcisicm are emminently sufficient explanations

2019-09-05 20:39:34 UTC  

offcourse it may not be the cults, but there are many dffrents idiological evil groups that belives in many diffrent things than others

2019-09-05 20:40:21 UTC  

maybe they just... idk, have different opinions on how the world works and how it should work?

2019-09-05 20:40:21 UTC  

Where are these groups?

2019-09-05 20:40:39 UTC  

again, you're going to have to prove their individual goals are inherently malicious

2019-09-05 20:40:50 UTC  

not just to their enemies, but in general

2019-09-05 20:41:37 UTC  

There are barely any legitimate cults in the world and none have the political power necessary to control the world

2019-09-05 20:41:41 UTC  

rather than the more apparent reality, that they are self-absorbed with goals that they percieve to be righteous from their perspective

2019-09-05 20:41:47 UTC  

@The Electric Lizard why keep askin me all the time i dont know i just know that there are ones lol

2019-09-05 20:42:10 UTC  

so you dont know

2019-09-05 20:42:13 UTC  

What group would possibly have the power and the motive to attempt to wipe out smart people?

2019-09-05 20:42:54 UTC  

rather, how can you prove their intention is to wipe out said people because they're "smart?"

2019-09-05 20:43:22 UTC  

to accuse of evil is to ascribe an intent that requires explicit evidence

2019-09-05 20:43:37 UTC  

It's much more likely that the woke culture that has developed is causing it instead of a secretive group

2019-09-05 20:45:16 UTC  

a "woke culture" that has designated itself righteous, and as such will be very difficult to accuse of "malicious intent"

2019-09-05 20:45:22 UTC  

@Αγωνιζῆς no i dont but i do know whne something good or possetive happens and then suddenly it ends up like half life 3 situation were they had all the motivation to make it and then suddenly didnt want to do it just out of nowhere, that is when i realise that something is not right here.

2019-09-05 20:45:52 UTC  

"for evil to suceed, good men must do nothing"

2019-09-05 20:46:12 UTC  

a meritous concept, but does nothing to settle the matter of intent of the accused

2019-09-05 20:48:02 UTC  

the main reason why evil wants to eliminate good ppl and smart ones is casue they know what is relly up and what is relly going on, so that's why they cant get away with everything they desires, and they good ones are always on their way.

2019-09-05 20:48:57 UTC  

Evil isn't an entity though so how can it eliminate good people

2019-09-05 20:50:11 UTC  

The smell of dogma is thick in here

2019-09-05 20:50:47 UTC  

If this group had so much power to manipulate politicians for years and assassinate people that know about them with no consequence then surely they would have just took over the world and done everything they wanted to do by now