Message from @Lios

Discord ID: 619823847474069504

2019-09-07 09:16:02 UTC  

Andra I'm not raping anyone just to make babies

2019-09-07 09:16:05 UTC  

THat's not how it works

2019-09-07 09:16:09 UTC  

Germany should be deleted, or export to middle east.

2019-09-07 09:16:21 UTC  

Well, it _could_ be how it works, it's just a fuck-awful idea

2019-09-07 09:16:23 UTC  

Send them back to Africa.

2019-09-07 09:16:28 UTC  


2019-09-07 09:16:32 UTC  

Send all of Germany to Africa.

2019-09-07 09:16:39 UTC  

Ok listen you jealous cunts

2019-09-07 09:16:44 UTC  

Germany is coloinizing Europe

2019-09-07 09:16:46 UTC  

This is happening

2019-09-07 09:16:48 UTC  

fourth reich now

2019-09-07 09:16:49 UTC  

Replace Germany with the "Prussian sea"

2019-09-07 09:17:05 UTC  

Silence, mutt

2019-09-07 09:17:05 UTC  

Literally move the land of Germany to africa

2019-09-07 09:17:06 UTC  

Start paddling your little island anglos

2019-09-07 09:17:14 UTC  

And while you're at it move Netherlands to Japan.

2019-09-07 09:17:48 UTC  

Andra were you even part of the conversation from the start

2019-09-07 09:18:12 UTC  

WE were just talking about how we don't have an overpopulation problem because europe doesn't even have replacement rates

2019-09-07 09:18:14 UTC  

I think Dutch Japanese hybrid babies would solve the climate crisis.

2019-09-07 09:18:29 UTC  

And I said they should have their own babies instead of importing people, it's a migration problem not an overpopulation problem

2019-09-07 09:18:41 UTC  

Actually we were talking about vegan parents nearly killing their child through malnutrition

2019-09-07 09:18:57 UTC  

Well some cunt said poeple shouldn't try to have children

2019-09-07 09:19:01 UTC  


2019-09-07 09:19:04 UTC  

Because we have an overpopulation problem

2019-09-07 09:19:06 UTC  

Some most definitely should not

2019-09-07 09:19:18 UTC  

You're right, no blacks

2019-09-07 09:19:23 UTC  

Honestly, two bombs weren't enough, let's bomb Germany.

2019-09-07 09:19:35 UTC  

But then you had to come in with the animal instincts of "we must reproduce to immortalize"

2019-09-07 09:19:36 UTC  


2019-09-07 09:19:55 UTC  

nigga lios what

2019-09-07 09:20:11 UTC  

If a culture wants to keep existing it has to be maintained

2019-09-07 09:20:20 UTC

2019-09-07 09:20:23 UTC  

You can call it an animal instinct, but I'll call it a fact of existence

2019-09-07 09:20:34 UTC  

But I disagree on genetics being culture, and you've already said America doesn't count

2019-09-07 09:20:36 UTC  

It's none of that.

2019-09-07 09:20:39 UTC  

Genetics is not culture

2019-09-07 09:20:42 UTC  

Genetics is just the underpinning of it

2019-09-07 09:20:51 UTC  

That's literally what you've been arguing this whole time.

2019-09-07 09:20:52 UTC  

Culture is the fall of man.

2019-09-07 09:20:56 UTC  

The people make the culture, and the culture is informed by natural selection based on their genes and their milieux

2019-09-07 09:20:58 UTC  

No lios