Message from @matroyshka
Discord ID: 649807066499907616
Or they wanna fuck a dude and stay in the closet
@livid_scrooge thinks he's a pony.
Don’t listen to shit lib professors, they act big brained but can’t even figure out what sex they are
Welcome to my city-state everyone
Doctors are still just practicing, dont trust em
Nah, just joking, my country is pretty based
What country?
zwolf sind zu viel fur mich. Ich kann nicht verstanden.
@matroyshka What the fuck where is the space
jesus christ
what's a spet
livid' spet
That’ll do
@matroyshka that won't get you xenos
you have to wait a day or two
Ye, but it will get him fucked
This treatment of immigrants is inhumane
That’s fine I like em chunky
@Lidomite It's not rape if the immigrant doesn't live to tell the tale 😉
@livid_scrooge I like em skinny, like you ❤️
I’m fit
First, immigrant needs to know English
Why are there 5 walls you only need 4 for a room???
I think there should be a new gay definition. "Twonk" like a twink but just fat
That's not always the case
It was...the salmon mousse.
@matroyshka then that's not a twink
@matroyshka You know what you need
yeah it's a twink
a twink is skinny
Yeah but a twonk is a fat twink
first off, I just want to say, I love the theme of this discord server
You need a profile picture @matroyshka
what should it be of? d a d d y