Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck

Discord ID: 642765268988329994

2019-11-09 15:53:44 UTC  

It surely looks like otherwise when you read the news.

2019-11-09 15:57:22 UTC  

well news can be pretty sensationalist, + since the worlds pretty big there's always shit but for the most part, not society shattering events

2019-11-09 16:01:37 UTC  

I beg to disagree.

2019-11-09 16:02:26 UTC  

I actually think right now we are living in an age where centuries old dictatorship is finally unveiling its true face

2019-11-09 16:03:20 UTC  

and Humanity is being forced on a very very difficult path of choosing to either shake off its problems and destroy it once and for all

2019-11-09 16:03:22 UTC  


2019-11-09 16:03:50 UTC  

face degradations, technological and social regression and a new full blown Dark Age.

2019-11-09 16:06:05 UTC  

I believe all that struggle that you now see in the West, and soon to be spread throughout the world, between those who had build your civilization and the so called "progressivists" who seek to throw you into a new high tech kind of slavery is only the beginning of that great struggle and if you don't stop and overpower them soon enough a great woe is upon us all.

2019-11-09 16:06:47 UTC  

Call me whatever you would like but I see plenty of evidence for my thinking which only grows more with each and every day.

2019-11-09 16:07:52 UTC  

On one side you have the old "right" which has their sins, yes, they do, but despite all of them they had managed to build pretty damn good civilization for you all out there in the west and make things good enough for everyone on the globe in the process, too.

2019-11-09 16:09:22 UTC  

On the other side you have the harbingers of a New World Order, or A Brave New World if you want to call it that way who trust only in authority and have fear of exclusion as their greatest weapon to condemn everyone in society they do not like.

2019-11-09 16:12:03 UTC  

I see in them truly ugly evil force, of the kind seen only in the times of the Inquisition, the Mongol and Muslim invasions and the red terror, you may think they are harmless now cause they are comprised solely of weaklings and women, but give them the power to judge over you and give them the ability to mix up with the lowest tiers of society, which they already do by defending them and you would see a modern Holocaust of a kind being done upon you.

2019-11-09 16:14:37 UTC  

The way it looks until the Right manages to get rid of the sins of the past and actually rise above its history of oppression, violence and authoritarianism and crushes the new wave of communism just beyond the horizon these people will just gasp for more and more power and the mroe you try to vote them out the more they will try to dominate you dragging the whole world behind them in what can easily escalate into a WWIII

2019-11-09 16:14:50 UTC  

and I'm dead serious, not joking about it.

2019-11-09 16:15:43 UTC  

They do not want to collapse only YOUR society, they want to collapse **ALL** societies in that manner.

2019-11-09 16:16:38 UTC  

And replace them with a corporate communism dystopia where they rule by deciding who to throw to the dogs and who to rise on pedestals.

2019-11-09 16:16:55 UTC  

Do you find me all that crazy @the1j ?

2019-11-09 16:21:38 UTC  

Trump and Brexit are only the beginning, far worse things are ahead until you finally face them head on and expose them for the dictators they really are, or

2019-11-09 16:22:11 UTC  

Let them bend and break you until you are living into the new Dark Age that's coming.

2019-11-09 16:39:09 UTC  

@yordanyordanov Well, I certainly find you a bit crazy.

2019-11-09 16:39:42 UTC  

And to my knowledge, the last Dark Age occured AFTER a collapse of some multi-continental empire

2019-11-09 16:40:11 UTC  


2019-11-09 16:40:21 UTC  

"Dark Ages" is a bit of a misnomer, I guess?

2019-11-09 16:40:22 UTC  

And you think we don't have one now @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck ?

2019-11-09 16:40:47 UTC  

the Dark Ages' meaning actually implies a lack of records

2019-11-09 16:40:53 UTC  

not technological backwardness

2019-11-09 16:41:05 UTC  

contrary to popular belief

2019-11-09 16:41:08 UTC  

Actually more like 3 now-yours, Western one, what's still left of Mother Russia and the burgeoning Chinese one.

2019-11-09 16:41:30 UTC  

Unless we somehow ALL end up collapsing, I doubt we'll have an ACTUAL Dark Age

2019-11-09 16:41:33 UTC  

and even then

2019-11-09 16:41:44 UTC  

we'd still presumably have some way to record history

2019-11-09 16:41:49 UTC  

Oh, I think if the powers behind the SJWs have things their ways a lack of records will soon follow suit, too.

2019-11-09 16:42:21 UTC  

@SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck Recorded, yes. Like the commie party records its records.

2019-11-09 16:42:43 UTC  

I mean only what the officials want to write down shall be written down.

2019-11-09 16:42:50 UTC  

any sort of records OF ANY KIND would necessarily dispel the status of a "Dark Age"

2019-11-09 16:42:52 UTC  

All other records-well, you know.

2019-11-09 16:42:58 UTC  

regardless of how ACCURATE the records are

2019-11-09 16:43:28 UTC  

because we know fuck all about the previous Dark Age

2019-11-09 16:43:31 UTC  

and what we do know.....

2019-11-09 16:43:35 UTC  

is it even accurate?

2019-11-09 16:43:37 UTC  

You know during the last European Dark Age in what we used to call the Middle Ages, there still were chronicles, weren't there?