Message from @Jokerfaic

Discord ID: 648735544884461582

2019-11-26 03:55:33 UTC  


2019-11-26 03:55:37 UTC  

so you're just copy pasting arguments, fair enough

2019-11-26 03:55:42 UTC  


2019-11-26 03:55:45 UTC  

any adults actually want to converse?

2019-11-26 03:55:54 UTC  

@Jokerfaic begone furry, no adults in this chat

2019-11-26 03:56:17 UTC  
2019-11-26 03:57:26 UTC  

Compare post-1980 to pre-1950 and see what's going on

2019-11-26 03:57:36 UTC  

I mean I'm kinda an adult I have a house and a 401K and shit. Not interested in talking to a furry though because, you know, furries????

2019-11-26 03:58:24 UTC  

So while Orange is off finding his tampon, can anyone tell me why health insurance plans shouldn't include STD testing coverage?

2019-11-26 03:59:03 UTC  

Health insurace shouldn't be done by the government at all

2019-11-26 03:59:18 UTC  

then its a good thing I didn't fucking say that

2019-11-26 03:59:29 UTC  

can no one actually respond to what I'm actually saying

2019-11-26 03:59:45 UTC  

are you all having a collective aneurism?!

2019-11-26 03:59:56 UTC  

But you said the people who live unhealthy lifestyles aren't the big problem?

2019-11-26 04:00:54 UTC  

I said nothing of the fucking sort, I postulated that health insurance plans that include STD testing coverage might bolster public awareness, check ups, and might even positively impact domestic birthrates

2019-11-26 04:01:09 UTC  

nowhere did I mention gays, you all made that the fuck up

2019-11-26 04:01:10 UTC  

as usual

2019-11-26 04:02:48 UTC  

you'd think talking about birthrates would preclude the question of the intended beneficiaries of this idea being heterosexual, and therefore capable of breeding

2019-11-26 04:03:26 UTC  

But once again, I need to spell out basic shit to the reactionary flea market

2019-11-26 04:03:58 UTC  

Ok, I guess I should've re-read your response, you addressed a very small minority there, and you also said that wasn't even your argument, fair enough

2019-11-26 04:04:43 UTC  

I responded to the immense pile of reactionary garbage that people were heaping onto my original statement

2019-11-26 04:04:49 UTC  

With those facts above I think anyone should see clearly that it's the boomer generation that has raised cost through the roof, and it's time this becomes mainstream political sentiment.

2019-11-26 04:05:37 UTC  

fine and well, I agree, but testing should be encouraged a bit more, I feel

2019-11-26 04:05:45 UTC  

just in general

2019-11-26 04:06:11 UTC  

After privatizing healthcare again I would agree

2019-11-26 04:06:30 UTC  

Homosexuals are about 4% of the population and, by definition, do not reproduce.

2019-11-26 04:07:09 UTC  

Exactly, so why did I have to weather retards incoherently babbling about "faggot this faggot that?"

2019-11-26 04:08:05 UTC  

idk if this is a recent phenomenon or not but people have been resorting to insults a lot lately

2019-11-26 04:08:19 UTC  

I was speaking facetiously earlier, but I'm starting to wonder if Orange seriously thinks being a pussy-lover is a magic STD cure-all

2019-11-26 04:09:01 UTC  

since homosex is the one and only direction he and others took that

2019-11-26 04:10:41 UTC  

Well in the US HIV is a majority homosexual issue. Which I applaud solving but at a population level is ultimately meaningless.

2019-11-26 04:11:42 UTC  


2019-11-26 04:11:48 UTC  

HIV also isn't the only STD

2019-11-26 04:11:57 UTC  

kinda why the acronym exists

2019-11-26 04:12:21 UTC  

It's not homosexuality that causes HIV to spread faster, but the sexual practice of anal sex

2019-11-26 04:12:28 UTC  

and its not check to be sure if you have it, its check to make sure you **don't**

2019-11-26 04:12:34 UTC  

So if you're straight and you have unprotected anal sex, you're to blame

2019-11-26 04:12:55 UTC  

Guess how much more likely unprotected straight anal sex is compared to unprotected gay anal sex

2019-11-26 04:13:29 UTC  

Atypical Act V Typical Act isn't a good comparison