Message from @Laucivol

Discord ID: 638121225775742976

2019-10-27 20:26:22 UTC  

I'll play it again when I'm done with Outer Worlds

2019-10-27 20:27:49 UTC  

Why you gotta oppress those poor workers, yo?

2019-10-27 20:28:05 UTC  

See, this is what causes Communism.

2019-10-27 20:28:45 UTC  

And you don't wanna catch the Communism.. it's pretty fatal.

2019-10-27 20:29:03 UTC  

I need to finish nigga simulator (aka Mafia III) and then I'm gonna try Outer Worlds.

One thing I realized with Mafia III, if you just ignore the main part of the game, that is, the meaningless openworld soup and just massacre all enemies, the story is relatively reasonably paced. However if you want to play it properly, then the story effectively disappears. Whoever pushed for the open world are fucking idjets.

2019-10-27 20:29:21 UTC  


2019-10-27 20:29:38 UTC  

Mafia 2 had a better open world than Mafia 3

2019-10-27 20:29:52 UTC  

Or not even massacre. In some cases I just ran through the enemy hideout, punched the boss and voila, mission done <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>

2019-10-27 20:30:18 UTC  

Yeah, but open world is still the bigthing.. though, I haven't given a second thought to that series & know very little of it.

2019-10-27 20:30:32 UTC  

Not exactly surprising. Blizzard is a lazy in the market.

2019-10-27 20:32:00 UTC  

Hrm, is it worth it? (And if I did.. would it be worth it from the top?)

2019-10-27 20:32:12 UTC  

EG the full series.

2019-10-27 20:53:49 UTC  

The first one is rather dated graphically (I don't mind, obviously as it's one of my childhood games <:smugon:512048583806025739> ) and is somewhat smaller in concept, but it's proper 30s gangster pulp, down to the aestetics (though in the second half it has 50s cars). Story's about a normie pulled into a life of crime and for the time it's actually pretty good. It's mostly linear, but as the missions take place in a large city (modeled on San Fran and Chicago of the time), you get your fair share of fresh air and feel like the place actually exists pasts the gangsters. Controls decently even after all those years. If you can aim, you should have no problems.
Also had a few immersive ideas that nobody reused ever, like cars actually having a fuel tank, guns being hideable depending on their size and a system of public transport and traffic where you could get fined for high speed or running red light.

The second one looks good even today. Made by the original people after being acquired by 2K. The story is more noir like (christ, the first few missions taking place in snowy wartime New York-like city have absolutely amazing atmosphere), focused around two friends against the world, trying to make it big in the various crime families, rather than the mafia itself. Someone told me once that it's the closest various mafia games got to the Godfather. It's got the more modern mechanics, for better or worse, so your guns magically disappear and there's a cover system and regenerating health. Mostly sticks to what worked in the first one, story missions taking place in a large city that you can explore. This one added car tuning/spraying like in GTA and clothes shops. That you can rob. Because why not.

The DLCs are dogshit except the first mission in Joe's Adventures and I would recommend taking a baseball bat to the head instead, unless you like pointless minigames that have nothing to do with the game. Though with the deluxe edition you get all the shit.

2019-10-27 20:55:39 UTC  

The third one is made by completely different people in different studio, still under 2K. As a result, it's gone full ~~retard~~ american down to not using real names for weapons. It's completely different to the previous ones, for better or worse. If you go from the second game straight to this one, it's a shock. Nothing feels right. Completely different mechanics. The driving is probably the biggest one. Gun mechanics are decent, though auto weapons are shit due to the fact you can get various upgrades (somewhat confusing interface) later, so they had to make them shit. On the better side, it's pretty satisfying to slug people in the head with handguns.

The story is, despite what all sorts of nontroversies say, not really about black power or racism or anything. You just play a very angry dude on a journey of bloody revenge who just happens to be black. At the start it's pretending it's like the previous games, but after the first hour or so it slips into an openworld meh that rewards you with some actual fucking story every now and then.

2019-10-27 20:57:55 UTC  

So it's an ok ubisoft™ style game, but a really shit mafia game as most of your time would be spent killing randomized gangsters and stealing their stacks of cash rather than anything of interest happening.

2019-10-27 20:58:27 UTC  

On the bright side, the main characters I found pretty decent, well, except the main one.

2019-10-27 20:59:06 UTC  

The biggest downside probably is, despite the name, it's not a game about mafia, it's a game about dismantling one

2019-10-27 21:02:02 UTC  

There are three DLCs, two of them actually got story. They're fairly short, clearly designed to be done alternately with doing random open world shit, but I like them. One's about investigating a voodoo cult, another one is half-homage to cold war thrillers, where you deal with a psycho Vietnam vet and the last one is really short and is mostly about getting some evidence on a racist redneck sheriff (the closest the game gets to black power as the main guy on your side is clearly with black panthers). It also features weed growing system that can make you such ridiculous amounts of money that you never need to bother your underlings for money again

2019-10-27 21:02:43 UTC  

So yea, first two would recommend, the first one just for the slightly historic value if nothing else, the third, eh, your mileage may vary.

2019-10-27 21:03:41 UTC  

And in case you're interested in that sort of thing, the first game is one of the things that made Dan Vávra famous. Yes, that's the Kingdom Come Deliverance guy. Also Operation Flashpoint. The first one, at least.

2019-10-27 21:05:55 UTC  

Appreciated the review there. It actually sounds like the first two may be up my alley.. and the third tagalong for completion sake.

2019-10-27 21:08:04 UTC  

(I absolutely adore film noir.) Also, I have no problem with a game exploring those concepts as you mentioned 3.

2019-10-27 21:10:22 UTC  

Also, not using actual names ends up being to avoid a whole buncha issues. I agree, it's obnoxious.. but understandable, too.

2019-10-27 21:12:32 UTC  

That "colonialism game" that triggered the journalists was Greedfall, it's alright, pretty good for AA I would say

2019-10-27 21:13:10 UTC  

Hrm, speaking of which (noire) I really still need to finish LA Noire.

2019-10-27 21:18:43 UTC  

Oh yea. I should get back to that sometimes. Watched a few hours of let'splay, from the VR version. The guy made it anything but boring, great gestures and sense of humour

2019-10-27 21:19:03 UTC  

Seemed really good

2019-10-27 21:20:13 UTC  

Yeah LA Noire VR looks great. Especially since I adore the original game.

2019-10-27 21:20:35 UTC  

One of my favourite games of all time

2019-10-27 21:21:09 UTC  

Seriously dig the whole 20-40s era, from art deco to the diesel utilitarianism of wartime america. Past that it gets too modern and beside those aestethics were covered in the modern Fallouts

2019-10-27 21:21:39 UTC  

Excellent soundtrack too

2019-10-27 21:21:40 UTC  

We don't have enough gangster games from that time

2019-10-27 21:22:14 UTC  

Or detective games, in case of LA noir. Don't care <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2019-10-27 21:23:00 UTC  

Actually, what happened to that game that was kinda like Chicago 1930 but with added crime empire building?

2019-10-27 21:23:57 UTC  

Aw yea, Empire of Sin

2019-10-27 21:24:13 UTC  

Hm, to be released in 2020

2019-10-27 21:27:41 UTC  

Oof, VR LA Noire.. but.

2019-10-27 21:27:50 UTC  

Then I gotta get a VR rig..

2019-10-27 21:28:41 UTC  

Hrm.. Omerta is a topdown set during that timeframe IIRC.

2019-10-27 21:29:10 UTC  

Well, honestly, part of the draw for me is the entire from Chicago thing.. >.>

2019-10-27 21:29:59 UTC  

Same folks behind Tropico 6.