Message from @whiic

Discord ID: 642540441799098382

2019-11-09 01:36:23 UTC  

Nobody wants to hear your fetish about throwing all women into sex slavery camps

2019-11-09 01:36:44 UTC  

You're gonna lose subscriber

2019-11-09 01:37:01 UTC  

The draft ended Vietnam, now we see that without it, wars will never end

2019-11-09 01:37:02 UTC  

Nobody wants to hear your feminist fantasy of seeing men being torn into pieces by mortars and bullets, fuckweed.

2019-11-09 01:37:07 UTC  

Such as the Middle East

2019-11-09 01:37:37 UTC  

>regular operation of the military
>feminist fantasy
Stuck the landing on those mental gymnastics

2019-11-09 01:37:41 UTC  


2019-11-09 01:37:47 UTC  

But if it’s something truly worth fighting for, say being invaded, you need that manpower and have men trained

2019-11-09 01:37:50 UTC  

There's a difference in taking a bullet to your head at the speed of sound, and taking a dick in your vagina at the speed of a mountain bike.

2019-11-09 01:37:58 UTC  

It’s also good exercise

2019-11-09 01:38:06 UTC  

Plus, vaginas are **DESIGNED** to take a dick without injury.

2019-11-09 01:39:03 UTC  

And I would say personally, that if your country really needs you to show up at the front lines with a rifle, you should do it

2019-11-09 01:39:12 UTC  

Ok cringelord
The problem with vietnam and to an extent WWII is that we over-drafted men, which made the military too expendable as far as foreign involvement is concerned and let women fill the economic vaccuum back home, which had knock-on effects in the following generation.

2019-11-09 01:39:54 UTC  

The draft should be capped at a point that is economically sustainable on the home front

2019-11-09 01:40:26 UTC  

Of course, this would require other NATO countries to actually fucking do something to contribute in global actions

2019-11-09 01:40:35 UTC  

To make up the differential

2019-11-09 01:42:38 UTC  

So out goes the idea of drafting women for factories then. Because that's the problem, obviously.

2019-11-09 01:44:09 UTC  

Like I said, this isn’t a equality issue at all

2019-11-09 01:44:24 UTC  

In a state of war, bitching about such things will fuck us over

2019-11-09 01:46:13 UTC  

Well, in a war, you need comfort women.

2019-11-09 01:46:19 UTC  

Even Japs knew that.

2019-11-09 01:47:39 UTC  

Well, even if we allowed men to be solely burdened during wartime, shouldn't peacetime women be forced to give birth since they are the societal bottleneck and controllers of racial suicide?

2019-11-09 01:48:01 UTC  

Or are you too gynocentric to rape women or at least put them in jail if they don't get married?

2019-11-09 01:48:25 UTC  

Equality is not an issue, your race it at stake.

2019-11-09 02:53:46 UTC  

why exactly do you think race itself is important? if a different race came along with the exact same values, culture etc, (yes ik that generally people all have differences there, but just humor the question lol), would their skin colour still matter??

2019-11-09 03:03:12 UTC  

as a pragmatist, the conversation only matters in terms of what to do about at

2019-11-09 03:03:49 UTC  

as an individualist, race is irrelevant to me when it comes policy and treatment

2019-11-09 03:04:23 UTC  

i understand why police check on black people more often than white people, because statistically they are more likely to have a reason to be investigated or stopped/questioned

2019-11-09 03:04:55 UTC  

but usually the racial thing is to do with ethnostate or immigration

2019-11-09 03:06:09 UTC  

and as a 'meritocrisist', race isnt relevent, its mindset and skills

2019-11-09 03:06:40 UTC  

like i cant take an argument seriously where 'deport all blacks because it isnt their country' when it also would include Thomas Sowell

2019-11-09 03:08:51 UTC  

countries should keep their culture, and people should go to countries where they want to assimilate the culture, unless of course the culture of the country is not one that supports assimilation

2019-11-09 03:09:32 UTC  

and if you ARE a country that rejects assimilation, youre probably some country no one remembers from the 12th century because you were taken over by a different culture and changed

2019-11-09 03:10:19 UTC  

also what about in cases of interacial children

2019-11-09 03:10:36 UTC  

like a white mother with white parents, and a black man with 1 white parent, but the guy is black and the child is black

2019-11-09 03:11:30 UTC  

at that point, the terms of black/white or any skin colour as the determining factor is lost

2019-11-09 03:11:55 UTC  

and then youd have to force everyone to take a DNA or lineage check, and we have to set a level of 'how black can you be to be allowed to stay in a country'

2019-11-09 03:12:53 UTC  

its just muddy waters and overly complicated when you can promote a meritocratic system which has been trucking along just fine, and is exactly how 'western civilisation' has flourished way more than others, instead of a racially divided one

2019-11-09 03:13:35 UTC  

then you have asians too which i dont know why they wouldnt be allowed in the ethnic america, even though they are hyper sucessful generally speaking too

2019-11-09 03:14:02 UTC  

why would you reject the 200IQ super surgeons in china that want to enter your country cuz they smell of sushi

2019-11-09 03:15:41 UTC  

under a meritocratic system, one race might stack up at the bottom, but its better than permanently outing them from being in the system at all because otherwise youd be constantly needing to purge the bottom of the system regardless of race